🔼Chapter 4: A Story🔼

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Mariella and Stanley sat on the sofa by one of the exhibits, Curator grabbed a nearby chair and sat in front of them though Narrator didn't take a seat and just stood with his back turned.
For a man that liked stories, it would appear this story wasn't something he wanted to hear.
The Curator cleared her throat, getting Stanley's full attention and began.

'It was a regular office day, nothing suggested that lives would be changed and ruined.'
'During a meeting, an emergency broadcast went off stating that the state/country was under quarantine; The broadcast didn't say anything about a new virus, attack or something dangerous but we all obeyed the lockdown.'

The Curator gulped, seeming to be trying to choose the right words.

'One day however; Employees started to disappear in our department and we had no idea why or how since we had boarded up the doors and windows until the lock down was over.'


"Why would they go down to the basement?"
"I'm not sure, hopefully not to steal any rations."
So the two managers walked down the basement stairs, worried about the Employees and what rations they had left in their department.
He opened the door-
They froze.
Inside was this strange. . . Monster, with gold eyes and had this yellow aura.
It didn't seem to be eating their rations, just. . . Staring around the room.
"What the fuck. . ."
"Should I get the security. . ."
Or the remaining security.
But before they could close the door, the monster seemed to form a tentacle and grabbed the male manager by the arm!
It began to drag him closer,"RUN!", she didn't want to, but once seeing another blue monster clawing on the ceiling she sprinted slamming the door as hard as she could.
He tried to fight back, but it seemed to not want to let him go and to the manager's horror it seemed like the black was beginning to spread ip his arm, another grabbed his other arm and by the legs and began to consume him.
He tried to fight back, kicking and yanking his arms but it was no use as he gave up and the monster consume him.


She ran as fast as she could, trying to lead the monster that was on her heels!
She couldn't lead it to the people she worked for, for years!
Then she came to a dead end, turning around for was forced to face a monster that was about to pounce on her.


He coughed up some strange looking yellow or gold substance.
He came too, but everything hurt and something was different as he knelt on the ground.
He stared at his hand, or at least he thinks. . . It was now pitch black with strange gold markings and his suit had changed in colour.
"What. . . What happened to me. . .?"
He stood up, stumbling in his steps as he left the basement.

Once he was out in the hall, he stumbled to a lobby and tried to regain his composer.
Then he saw himself in a mirror.
"Oh god. . ."
He no longer saw himself. . .
"What did it do to me. . ."


Mariella turned to Stanley,"Some monsters, use to be Employees, co-workers, managers bosses: All turned and their appearances changed to be unrecognisable and even lose their voices.", Stanley gulped, signing to express his sorrow and disturbance.
He turned to Curator and Narrator, signing if it was about them?
Curator turned to Narrator, who sighed and put his glasses down,"Yes; And we were given abilities that gave us. . . Somewhat control of what the monsters turned the office building into.", Curator nods, confirming that they were two managers that fell victim to the monsters that are now running this place.
Mariella turned to Stanley,"I was fleeing a monster, but I came here and been here since I found Curator.", Stanley nods, showing he was listening and understood.
"Though I'm surprised we never ran into one another, but then again you were probably on a higher floor than I was."
That was a possibility.
"That isn't important."
Narrator turned to them,"We need to get you two to a safer zone, a zone that will allow them to be safe from the monsters and give us time to gave control back over the Parable.", so gues that was the plan now; Get to a better safe zone to allow these two to get control over the Parable again.

"We must hurry now; we don't know how long we have until those things start to delete the walls and break this place to let more in."

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