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**Time skip , now Visenya is 8 , Aemond is 11 , Halaena 12 , Aegon 13 , Jace is 7 and Luce 6

"Haleana , would you stop moving" Visenya said laughing
"Tis not me it is Aemond" she said whispering
"No , it is Aegon don't blame me"
"Shut up you twat , Vi we can't fit in here"
" Do you prefer my mother finds us?" Visenya said , but she didn't get a response
"That's what I thought , I am all but 8 I don't want to meet suitors at the age of my father , so unless you want me to be married off and leave , you can tell my mother that we are hiding in my closet" she said
"NO" they all said
"Senya I will not let her take you"Aemond said
" Maybe I should put one of my spiders in your suitors bed, Aegon would help"
"Yes, and I could help you get away when I leave this place , since that twat is dragonless"Aegon said and Aemond hit his shoulder and gave him a glare .
"Thank you ,you are my real brothers and sister... oh wait here she comes"
Rhaenyra enter's the bedchambers of Visenya furious.
"VISENYA" she said, looking everywhere for her
" Where is that girl" she said .
Just then Leonor stormed in the room trying to calm his wife and make her change her mind .
"Nyra , let her be she's only 8 she doesn't need to get married so young." Leonor said trying to save his daughter
" The sooner that girl marries the sooner I get her off my hands , and I will be rid of all the problems she has caused , don't you understand , I will finally be rid of her"Rhaenyra said and left thick tears on her daughters eyes , Aemond held her hand to comfort her Halaena wrapped her hands around her and Aegon padded her back . All of the knew how it was like to be neglected by a parent . Visenya leaned into their touch but still watched her mother pace around the room from a crack on the right side of her closet .
"You are mad to sell my little girl like a broodmare" Leonor argued
"SHE IS MY DAUGHTER , YOUR DAUGHTER , and if you dare think for a second I will let my little girl be sold to a man the same age as mine you are a fool...I love you Nyra but Visenya must come before you"he said leaving Rhaenyra speechless for a second
"I will do what is best for my sons." Rhaenyra said .
Those words rang in Visenya's ears over and over again the sound stopped , she could only hear those words . Twas in that moment time stopped for her.
"Well then it's your word against mine" Leonor said , and Rhaenyra stormed of the room .
"You can come out now , the monster is gone" he said
Visenya opened the door slowly and run in her fathers arms
"Don't worry my littlest ocean I will n-"he was interrupted by the noise coming from the closet
"Is there someone else in there ?" to which Visenya nodded .
Leonor opened both the doors of the closet and both the boys jumped on him screaming and yelling, causing Leonor to laugh
"YOU WILL NOT TAKE HER FROM USSSSS, AHHHHHHHHHH" Halaena run to Visenya's side pushing her to go to the Queen so she could be safe .
"SHE IS NOT TO SALE" The boys continued .All of a suddden Leonor's voice was heard.
"Boys I will not sell her do not fret...and please don't tell anyone that I called the princess a monster" he said
Aemond and Aegon got up to their feet , apologised and took their leave with Halaena after hugging their Visenya.
"Father , why does mother love Jace and Luce more ?"Leonor didn't know how to answer that , he knew that Rhaenyra loved them more but he hopped she would treat them all the same. He was disappointed that Rhaenyra acted this way towards Visenya , ignoring her and neglecting her , and praising her bastards by ser Harwin .
"My little ocean you need not concern yourself with such thoughts , you know I love you more than anything"
"Even more than ser Qarl ?"
"Even more than ser Qarl" he said smiling and wiped his daughters tears away
"Now run along before your mother comes back"Leonor said
"No I am going somewhere that mother won't step foot in" she said running off
"Where?" he said loud enough so she could hear her
"To my other mama-" she bumped onto someone and fell back "Excuse me do you not look before you-" she looked up and saw Otto
"I'm so so terribly sorry lord Hand it will not happen again I promise"tears filled her eyes.
Otto helped her up "Now now why are you crying ? And who is your other mother princess ?".Visenya had heard alot about Otto from her mother , she heard that he was a vile man and a viper, but he was quite kind towards her , kinder than her mother at the very least.
"I was going to see her grace the queen , lord Otto but it is a pleasure seeing you aswell !!"Otto smiled he hadn't received such excitement from Rhaenyra's side of the family.He knew how badly Rhaenyra treated the girl without any particular reason and he felt sad sad for her , which caught him by surprise he never felt bad nor liked a child of Rhaenyra but he did not dislike this one .
"I am going there aswell ,  but first I am getting Halaena ... would you care to join me princess?" he said extending a hand to her
"Of course grandsire, I am sorry lord hand-"
"Grandsire is alright"she she curled up his hand and they started walking to Halaena's chambers.
"If allow me to call you grandsire then you should call me by my name just Visenya or granddaughter or both !!" she said proud
"But princess-" she gave him a deadly stare "Visenya,I meant , Visenya is a fine name"He knew that look , it wasn't just a look , there was fire in her , she was the true blood of the dragon.
"Thank you grandsire"
"We should take a walk more often granddaughter"
"I agree grandsire"

********IN THE QUEENS CHAMBER********

"Father, Halaena and Visenya , is there something wrong"
"no, just bringing my granddaughters" he said and looked at his daughter waiting her reaction.Allicent looked at him in confusion .
"Grandsire took us for a walk and then we wanted to visit you mother !!" Visenya said running up to Allicent and hugged her . Her grace looked at Visenya and then up at her father and smiled at him , she feared that he would not accept her as family but shockingly he did.
** After 20 minutes of jumping around and laughter **
"Grandsire , I saw a bug in the garden earlier would you please take me to get it , pleaseeee???" Halaena said
The lord Hand nodded and they took their leave , leaving Allicent and Visenya alone .
"Mama may I please ask you something?"
"Of course my love" guiding Visenya to sit at the sofa
"I wanted to ask if you love as much as you children?" she said shyly
"You are one of my children my sweet Visenya"The queen said with tears in her eyes , she just couldn't believe how Rhaenyra treated her daughter , when they were young she would always talk about how much she wanted a daughter , and now...
"So will you be my family mama?" she said, her heart breaking over the fact that her actual family can but don't accept her. Tears threatened to fall from her lilac eyes.
"We are your family , my Visenya , you must not forget that you have a family that loves you so much , who has loved you since you were born ,  since you smiled at us and laughed with us , we have loved you ever since." The Queen said tears falling from her eyes . She hugged the little girl like there was no tomorrow , like she was her own blood , her own child .

Sooo this is the second chapter slightly bigger .
I hoped you likeed it ( If there are any mistakes excuse them please this is not my mother tongue )
->The next chapter won't take long !!!!!
Later Dragonssss

*Tik tok : @senya_vi.ae

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