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The carriage left them at the docks , where there so happened to be Dolio .

"Dolio...Dolio"she whispered when her family was checking if they got all their things.

"Visenya!you're leaving aswell!?"he whispered back.

"ASWELL!?You're leaving?"



"I was exiled"

"WHAT? For whatever reason ?"

"They said I was stealing medicine"

"That's such nonsense you would nev-"

"I did it"

"Well it's their fault , they should have provided more, but if I may ask , what was the reason?"

"My mother , she had been sick"he said sounding a bit sad

"well atleast she's better n-"

"She's dead"Visenya turned to look at him

"I'm so sorry Dolio , was the medicine not right?" she asked

"They took it before I gave it to her , I tried to plead with them but-I-I-"he stumbled on his words

"oh Dolio-"

"Emhyr...It's a tradition in my family . Once your parents are gone , you must chose a name from your ancestors to show that you have them with you , even after death , plus it was my second name anyway."

"Emhyr is a fine name"

"It is I guess"

"Where are you going to go"

"North they have a lot of jobs there , and nobody knows what I've done , so they'll accept me-but I won't be there for long there're other jobs , I can be hired to do a job for someone, someone I knew worked like that...I hope I can cross the narrow sea , I'd love to see-"

"The Dothraki , how I would love to leave this place"

"Goodbye Vi I guess you'll be leaving your pretty pretty prince behind"She looked down at her feet and took a moment to respond

"I'm slowly losing my family one by one ... first them now you"


"You, you are my brother my family , even if I know you for 3 years alone , you've been more present than my own blood..."she said looking at her mother . Emhyr understood what she meant.

"That is hardly true little sister you have been there for me , don't forget that ever Vi"

"I won't if you won't"

"I will not forget ,my little Vi"

"Then I wouldn't dream of forgetting my brother Emhyr" with that they parted ways .

Short chapter, but I hope you like it , I've got so many ideas for the future but I don't really know what to write now.And I needed to write them a goodbye.I haven't written a lot about them but he helps her see that someone can really love her as a family even though they're not blood , she helpes him with food and provides him a family someone he can't wait to talk to and someone who reminds him of home , someone who is home to him .

I hope you enjoyed it!

Later Dragonssss!!!!!!!!!


The blood-red Angel of Death and the Sapphire Knight||Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now