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" Ouch ... you don't have to throw me on the ground" she said as she was getting off of the ground.

" Then next time maybe start trying, and don't let me throw your as- bottom, uh... On the ground" came Leonor's voice, praying that his daughter hadn't just heard the word he just said.

"l was trying, l have not been practising for years to really know what to do when my feet are in the air, maybe I should know how to fly, or perhaps I should call for the dragon that I don't have to pick me up-"

" alright, alright that's enough now,l heard they have raspberry cakes in the kitchens but first you have to shower you smell like horseshit-" he thanked the gods that she didn't hear the word he used earlier.

" maybe because you threw me in some" she said pointing at the horse shit she fell in

"right, sorry, well I'll be stealing you some new clothes then "

" Soooo, move your ass we 're stealing clothes and cakes... Awesome!"

For the first time in a while he was so scared of what might even happen if his wife had found out that he taught his daughter how to curse and he was even more scared if Visenya said something to some lord.

" Now now, young Lady if you wish to keep the training then you will not say that word ever, atleast not infront of everyone... please, pretty please?"

" Blackmailing, so not your forte " she said and almost laughed at father's pointless try, she could do better she knew she could do better.

Leonor picked his daughter up and put her on his shoulders.

" heyyyy"she said laughing, taking hold of her fathers head.

" Of to your chambers!!!!"

" lets gooooo!!! " she said laughing like she never laughed before

" you know l love you very very match"he said a bit nervous waiting for her to answer.

" And I you, but why are you telling me this now?"she replied

"Just because I am the luckiest man in all the world for having a daughter like you"he said pouring his heart to his dear daughter

"Oh father, I love you so very much,and I disagree I am the luckiest man in the whole intire world for having a father like you"she said proudly

" My little ocean, you aren't-"

"A man? I know but I will grow and be the most feared knight possible...and I will take back my kingdom with fire and blood for us father, and I will take revenge on those who wronged us." the last part she said in whispers, and it lefthim stunned.

"but my sweet daughter how do you know-"

" this true father, not only I saw this in a dream but l will do it I know it, I will take vengeance-"

' it was in a dream she saw it,

he knew she would seek revenge,

and take back what was stolen from her but now

he realized that she wasn't going to be just a Queen

she was the one promised the one who will return,

the true leader of the dragons and the people,

his mother told him about the promised one, her father used to tell her these stories

gods be good

for she was The song of Ice and Fire'

" father?... Father?" came her blurred voice to his ears. He took her off his shoulders and knelt to the ground

" Visenya, you must promise me something"

"of course father whatever is it?" she said confused

"you must never speak of this to anyone but me... Promise me"

" but-"

" don't ask questions alright my little dragon?there comes a time you ' ll understand,promise me "

" I promise"he breathed relieved. A moment passed.

"...alright now what scent would you like for your bath?"

"I don't know, you choose!"

"what about vanilla?"

"Vanilla sounds great"


Hiiii, sorry for the long wait I just don't really know what to write now that she's young, but have some epic scenes she's older!!!

So I hope you liked it!

That's all for now.

Later Dragons!!!!!!


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