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"Have you read it ?" Came Aemond's voice while holding the book and gazing at Visenya .

"Of course I have" she answered laying at Aemond's lap.

"When Nymiria arrived at Dorne who did she take to marriage?"

"A man"

"His name ."


"If you answer like this your septa will be furious"

"It's so funny when she's furious" she said smiling at him while playing with a leaf that fell from the godswood.

Silence fell for a moment.

"You're always like this when you're worried"Aemond broke the awkward silence

"Like what"

"Disagreeable and a little bit mean...you're worried that your mother will overshadow you with yet another son"

"I only worry for my father...how he's going to face such slunders ..,I hope for my mother that she gets a son , so long I can recall they are all she ever wanted."

"You want your mother to have a son?" He said a little surprised

"I want us to fly , see the great wonders of old Valyria from dragonback and eat only cake"

"I'm being serious-"

"I never jest about cake"

"You aren't worried about your position?"he finally looked down at her a bit irritated

"I like this position it's quite comfortable-"
Visenya was cut of by Aemond closing the book and standing up

"Where are you off to" she said annoyed

"Home , the hour has grown late"
She quickly stood up and put her hands behind her back

"Princess Nymiria led her Rhoynar across the Narrow sea on ten thousand ships to flee their Valyrian pursuers, she took Lord Mors Martell of Dorne to husband and burned her own fleet of sunspear to show her people that they are done running."

She approached Aemond and as he opened the book to check if her answers were indeed correct , she to ripped the page from the book

"When the septa sees this book-"

"Fuck the septa"

"Visenya" Aemond said giggling while following her out of the godswood.
As the were walking Visenya inspected the page and found that it had glue on it which means that it was ripped once more from the book , but she didn't think much of it she just continued walking.

A tear fell from the crowned princess's right eye, a tear of sadness and longing. She was saddened that she made her own daughter feel unwanted and replacable , though she could not show any emotion but dislike to Visenya in the name of her father , the iron throne , and her other children .

Her feelings were already bottled up and her own daughter sacrificed for her family's future . She longed the relationship she had with her dearest old friend , the lady Allicent . What she didn't know is that the queen was watching them from a balcony aswell , also weeping for that shared love . This moment with their children reminded them of themselves, they saw a hint of each other in them , something lost within the restless years of pain and suffering away from the other.

*** The next morning

Leonor was fast approaching the chamber of his daughter to wake her up with tons of giggling , his only hope was that he wouldn't meet that boy Aemond on the way , because the last few days the prince wakes up earlier to wake his princess first before her father does . And the best part was that Visenya just wanted to sleep and the poor girl got woken up by her jealous father and her irritating at times friend.

Her chamber stood in the end of the hall way Leonor just stepped in , with fast and loud steps he reached the middle of the hallway , looking at his left there was Aemond just creeping in next to Leonor . Leonor looked down at Aemond and he up , shit was about to go down they both knew it.
'shit' the boy thought
'fuck , am I really racing the boy?' Leonor thought

They both looked at the direction of the princess's chamber and took of running , Leonor was closer to her door since he had longer legs and run way faster . Aemond took of his shoe and threw it at Leonor's head causing him to stumble

"EYYYY" Leonor wined rubbing the back of his head while running . Twas a loud thud that stopped him from running , standing just in front of his daughter's chamber .

"Ouchhh" it was Aemond who fell instead of Leonor which caused Leonor to laugh and the prince to pout .

Leonor stepped into the room of the sleeping princess with a smile , and the smell of success........and a pain at the back of his head.

Sooo theres the long awaited chapter , I am sorry for making you wait its just that my days are full and I have no time to write except at night.

I hoped you liked it and if there's something I can fix could you tell me pleaseeee :)

Later Dragonssss!!!!!!


a little meme

The blood-red Angel of Death and the Sapphire Knight||Aemond TargaryenDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora