sun shit

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Sun associations

Color: gold, yellow, orange, red

Herbs: Marygold, heliotrope, sunflower, buttercup, ceder, beach, oak, st. Johnsworth, bergamot

Crystals: diamond, amber, carnelian, citrine, sunstone, topaz, red agate, goldstone

Metal: gold

Day of week: sunday



Water (tap, purified, rain, fresh - follow your preference and what's available to you)


Jar or Bottle

Paper (optional)

Pen/Pencil (optional)


Fill your jar or bottle with your preferred type of water. 

Place your jar outside or on a windowsill that gets good sunlight. South-facing windows get the brightest all-around light. East-facing windows are great for sunrise energy and west-facing for sunset energy.

For more focused intention, write your desire on a small piece of paper and fold. Place your folded paper under the jar of water to direct the sun's energy. You can also speak your intention over the water when you place it out in the sun. 

It's best for the water to be in the sun for at least an hour if possible. usually put out at sunrise and bring it in at sunset. You can also use specific times of day (see below) to further focus the energy of the water towards your desired intentions. 


Sunrise: new beginnings, wealth, manifestation, abundance, and fertility

Noon/Afternoon: charging, personal power, creativity, vitality, and courage

Sunset: clearing, elimination, banishing, and binding


Sun water uses:

Sun Water is potent, so a little goes a long way - even a drop will add a healthy amount of power to your workings. 

Sunday corresponds to the Sun, so you can use your Sun Water for any workings on that day for a little extra oomph. (Brewing you Sun Water on this day will also give it a double dose of Sun energy. Sabbats like Summer Solstice, Litha, Lughnasadh, and Lammas are also excellent times for brewing your Sun Water.)

-use Sun Water with candle magic, You can pour some in the dish that's holding your candle, this is especially great with yellow and orange candles. 

-Pour a little into your bath for corresponding intentions. 

-Use it to bless and charge crystals, charms, talismans, or spell jars.

-You can even drink your Sun Water to connect more with your personal power. Again, keep in mind the amount you use here. You can add a few drops to plain water for a more subtle change. 

-Sprinkle a little around the home to welcome in the energy of the Sun. 



Sunny weather spell

weather spells are difficult , and your request might not always be granted. nature knows what it is doing. you should preform this spell at least a week before the date you want the sunny weather. 

what you need:

-gold candle

-red jasper crystal

-pen and paper

step 1: draw a small map of the area where you want the sun to shine. does not need to be detailed or accurate.

step 2: light candle, move the map clockwise around 3 times. focus on the flame

step 3: say the incitation: "fair winds blow and bright sun shines, on this special day of mine. remember me a week from today, and send the rain clouds far away." folding the paper in half each time you speak a line.

step 4: place the folded paper under the crystal in a place beneath your window and stuff out the candle

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