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This chapter is all about litha, I wanted to add more things about the celebration. Things such as idea on what to do to celebrate, spells, simmer pots, and more. This is info from many different sources.(added it for me to get some ideas and such)

Crystals that are associated with litha:
Sunstone, peridot, citrine, moss agite, jade, amber, tigers eye

Lavender, orange, lily, sunflower, sage, cedar, rose, chamomile, rue, calendula, marigold

Frankincense , myrrh

Colors: orange, yellow, red, gold, white
Ways to celebrate:
•making flower crowns
•have a bonfire
•light candles
•do a simmer pot
•do spells
•have a picnic
•sun bathing
•go on a walk
•watch sunset/sunrise
•make/redo alter
•litha bowl

Litha salt bowl/plate/container

Things that can be added:
Salt (for protection), candles(cleanse before hand), herbs(rose petals, calendula, chamomile, lemon peel, and orange peel, Cinnamon, dandelion, etc), crystals(sunstone, citrine, tigers eye,etc)

Litha simmer pot
Things that can be added:
rose petals, calendula, chamomile, lemon peel, and orange peel, Cinnamon, dandelion, mint leaf.
1.put desired ingredients
2.have intentions
3.stir clock wise
4.display in jar

My litha experience 2023
Had a small picnic with some friends, with kitchen magic. I had made and got things that I had thought would work with things associated ex. Colors.

I had made cucumber sandwiches (added a bunch of spices and herbs), lemon cake(lemons are yellow and are associated with litha) , and strawberry sugar cookies(strawberries are red). Half and half Lemonade tea, strawberries, and oranges.

Then had made a litha spell jar using things that I had. Red candles, white candles, salt, herbs, sea glass and shells( added because I thought it reminds me of summer)

Then did a tarot card reading

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