house magic spells and rituals

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for wisdom and healing protection

-dried sage leaves or sage smudging bundle. Representing earth

-heat proof bowl. Representing water

-1 match. Representing fire

-your hand or feather. Representing air

Close your eyes and visualize clearing the chosen space. Set intentions for cleansing, protection, and renewing. Open 1 or more widows to release trapped energies.

1. Place sage in the bowl. Light with the match. Then carefully extinguish the flame with the wave of your hand 

2. Working in a clicker direction which attracts good things to you, encourage the smoke from the herb out into the room, focusing especially in the corners

3.when finished wave smoke out the window, visualizing it pulling negativity from the room

4.feel a moment of gratitude for the work done by the tools

(From book: House Magic by Aurora Kane)


In place of the smudge stick, using a spray instead

-sage cleansing spray(see how to make in the herb section)

1.spray lightly over your space to cleanse negative energy. Open a window or door to let out the energy

(From book: House Magic by Aurora Kane)


-light purple, pink, or lavender candle
- small trinket representing each meme of household
-van-van oil blend
-pinch of dried lavender
-pinch of dried chamomile
-rose petals
-small amethyst
-lavender colored pouch

1.amount the candle and trinket with the van van oil. Hold the items and other ingredients individually and focus on bringing peace into your home trinkets and ingredients in the pouch. Light candles and sit in front of it while holding the pouch. Speak out load the incantation
"Calm home, oh blessed goddess, set stress free from my home and me, release all tension away, bringing calm, peace, and light. Bless my home, powerful goddess, being calm to my home. Blessed be."

3. Set pouch next to the candle and slow candles to burn down completely

4. Hang pouch in home. (Where ever most activity happens) if tension seems to build, chant again and envision peace

(The Book Of Shadows by Anastasia Greywolf)



-glass jar

-smoky quartz



-black pepper


-garden sage


1. cleanse the jar and put everything in the jar.  

2. close bottle and say "salt, pepper, herbs, and crystals, guard my home and all with in" place inside in home and shake everyday to activate energy

(found off of Pinterest) 


(more coming soon)

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