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August 1 or 2

Lammas is one of the four "Greater Sabbats," making it one of the most important days on the Wheel of the Year. It is the cross-quarter day between the Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox, and it marks the beginning of the harvest season. At this time we give thanks for the abundance of the past growing season and look forward to the remaining weeks of light and warmth as we continue reaping what we have sown.
Also known as: Lughnasadh, Lughnasa, August Eve, Feast of Bread, Harvest Home, Gŵyl Awst, First Harvest

Themes: first fruits, harvest, gratitude, benevolent sacrifice, utilizing skills and talents

Alter: Use harvest imagery like scythes and baskets and, of course, loaves of bread. A Lammas feast should definitely involve bread, as well as late-summer fruits and vegetables, corn, and other grain dishes. Spellwork related to securing abundance and a happy home is particularly powerful at this time.

Alter decor ideas: Grains, bread, sunflowers, apples, oak leaves, acorns. different kinds of colors, candle's, and crystals that are associated with lammas(see below)

Things associated with lammas

Crystals: citrine, golden topaz, lodestone, moss agite, obsidian, peridot,
Tigers eye, yellow aventine, amber

Apple, oak, basil, blackberry, blackthorn, clover, golden rod, heather, ivy, Marygold, peony, poppy, rose, rosemary, sunflower

Colors: of summer and fall-yellow, orange, red, green, brown, bronze, light brown, gold

Incense: frankincense, rosemary, rose, sandalwood, basil, camomile, mint, musk

Ideas what to do, to celebrate.

-make bread
-wear corresponding colors
-go outside
-go on walk
-make pastries
-set up alter
-hang out with friends
-make a spell jar
-do rituals
-do spells
-simmer pot

-candle (orange, yellow, red,ect.)



Things to put in:

-blackberries: healing and prosperity

-calendula: cheer and health

-rosemary: protection and wisdom

-lavender: healing and peace

-sage: wisdom and protection

-rose petals: peace and protection

-thyme: new projects and cleansing

-water: it can be any kind of water.(normal tap, moon water, rain water, sun water)

-incense: can be any kind(sage, rosemary, lavender)

Step 1: cleanse the pot with the incense

step 2: put in the ingredients 

step 3: put in the water

step 4: simmer on low for as long as you want. Stir towards you to bring it all in.

Once you are done you can dispose as normal (strain water and put into the trash) or you can bury it in soil outside
You can also you is in a spray bottle for cleaning and protecting (can spray on counters, surfaces, doors, etc)

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