talismans/amulets/enchanted objects, etc.

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The difference between them

Charms- a small ornament that can be worn, almost anything can be used as a charm. They are used to bring good luck to the wearer 

Amulets- worn for protection, they are believed to have the power to ward of evil energy, negative energy, or illness 

Talismans-  used to attract something very specific to the owner. they must be consecrated and charged with magical power by the person preparing it in order to fill them with specific energy 


How to enchant

Option 1:

Clear your mind. 

Set you will. Think only of your will. 

Take the item in your hands. 

Breathe in and breathe out towards the item. This process is called 'pairing'. You actually infuse the item with your personal energy. 

Now visualize a bright light with the color associated with your will all over you. Breathe in the light in you empowering your will and magic. 

Breathe out the light towards the item. Repeat another 8 times (total 9 times of complete circle of breathing in and out).

Speak or whisper or sing the purpose of enchantment to the item as it's a person and you set its goal.

The item has been enchanted


Option 2:

1. Light candle or candles that the color is corresponding with what you are doing

2. Hold the object in your hands and sense the energy  that it contains

3.visulize the magical goal within your self

4. visualize this energy streaming into the object 

 5.when you feel drained of energy, shake your hands to cut of the flow of it.

6. snuff the candles and the enchantment is complete  


(more coming soon)

Grimorie/ Book of shadowsWhere stories live. Discover now