(5) love is in the air

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Tonight was finally the night! The stupid high school dance was here and I could go back to only being mildly hit on by school creeps.

But I was also excited for Hannah! She agreed to go and I was going to make it my mission that she has a good time. She deserves to have something nice to look back on in high school. And I already had some plans in my head.

At the top of my list was Clay.

I already knew from Jeff that he was gonna be there, the jock practically blackmailed him to go with some bet about passing. And I pressured Hannah. Together, Jeff and I were concocting the scheme of schemes to get these idiots together. Only time will tell if it works.

I had chosen to wear a strapless dark blue gown. It was plain on the top, but the bottom was covered in diamond and pearl patterns and a wavy fabric. I felt like a princess. All I was missing was my crown.

Not wanting to ruin my dress, I took the risk and walked out the door and instantly regretted it. "Why you playing dress up?"

I shuddered at her voice. "My school is having a winter formal before break. I thought I would participate instead of sitting at home."

That made Millicent sit up. "Got a hot date?"

I smirked. "I'm going with friends."

She scoffed. "That's for virgins and pathetic sluts who want to whore themselves around. Maybe that checks out then."

I glared at her accusation. "I don't date. That's all."

She laughed. "Right, right. Cause you still think shutting everything out will protect you when daddy comes home. It bloody won't. Not that I will get through your thick head. Life's true gifts are fucking wasted on you, child." That hurt more than I would ever admit. "Come on! Spill to your Auntie Millie! Which boys you gonna shag tonight?"

I didn't even attempt to hide my disgust. "None. This night is about me and my friend having a good time. Not getting laid."

She looked baffled at me. "What's the bloody point of high school dances if you're not grinding or rubbing one on some unsuspecting cock?"

"I'm leaving now." And did not give her a chance to reply.

Sometimes I preferred her when she was drunk and violent. At least then she doesn't try to talk to me.

I was going to drive to the Baker's house to pick up Hannah, but she was insistent on being the one to drive. Something about having a surprise. So I took my time walking down the street in a fucking princess dress. I felt regal as hell. Untouchable.

As I arrived and knocked on the door, Olivia Baker answered. "Libby! Oh, you look so beautiful, honey. Like you've come straight out of a fairy tale."

I couldn't help but blush in embarrassment. I forget how normal and kind most adults are. "Thank you, Olivia. Is Hannah ready?"

"Here I come!" I heard from inside the house. When she came out, I gasped at how lovely her dress was. She looked so precious. And when she saw me her jaw dropped. "Oh my god, Libby! You look amazing!"

I smiled. "Not nearly as amazing as you. You're gonna leave everyone at that dance speechless." She blushed. "Shall we head over?"

"Not without a picture!" Olivia shouted and we both rolled our eyes and capitulated. With our arms around each others' waist we smiled. Hannah put her head on my shoulder, as I might have been towering over her in my heels. Once the picture was taken, she looked at the two of us with tears in her eyes. "Sorry, I'm just so happy for this. Thank you so much, Libby."

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