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Huey, Hiro, and Caesar were processed into Juvenile detention, in only a couple of hours. Derek pulled a few strings and got them in the same cell together. Riley shook his head, as the steel door was closed up behind him. "Man, ain't this some bullshit? We try to defend ourselves and get locked. Ain't that racist shit you be talm bout Huey."

Huey already was on the top of his bunk, silently looking at the ceiling and not saying a word to Riley. He was the one that had some thinking to do, he might be in here for months to a year, this wasn't the first time he got brought here. Hiro was in the corner, almost shaking with anger.

"I hang out with y'all dudes for one day and now i'm in a cell awaitin a sentence. This that bullshit."

Riley turned his head over to Hiro and began smiling. "Maybe it'll toughen your soft ass up nigga, you over there shakin and shit." Riley remarked.

"Nigga, this shit ain't even funny, I ain't say shit to my girl before leavin."

Riley shrugged his shoulders. "That's your fault nigga, Ming ain't going nowhere anyways." He said, crouching down in the corner. Huey switched around his body, facing the wall and closing his eyes. He ain't have anything to say, he was going to be sent off. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep. Once he awoke the cell door was being opened.

Derek stepped in, he was smiling. "Look, y'all might wanna sit down for this news. It's good and bad. The bad is only bad if you're ignorant."

Everybody in the cell began waking up, listening to him. "Caesar agreed to talk in exchange for your release. SpeedBurn  and his crew are off the streets for the time being so I want you guys to take your asses home."

Riley almost threw up hearing the news. "He snitched!" His eyes bulged out of his head. "Riley, this ain't the time." Huey said, hopping off the top bunk. He respected Caesar for breaking the street code and talking to the police. Especially, if it was Speedburn. "Fuck you mean it isn't the time? We got time for a snitch ass nigga?"

"Yeah we do, he's the reason I'm going to see Ming tonight." Hiro stood up for Huey, getting up off the ground and standing next to Huey. 

Riley crosses his arms. "I rather stay right here. Fuck y'all."

Derek looked down at Riley, "You're looking at 6 months." Huey and Hiro never seen Riley get up so fast in his life. "Nevermind, let's go home. I'm feining to smoke a cigarette anyways."

They were processed out of the detention center and placed inside Derek's crusier. They left the place, Huey was silently praising whatever god he believed in for Caesar. The entire group knew if he was sent away one more time, it'd be away before they'd be able to see him again. Goes to show that's how much they'd do for him.

Derek arrived back into the inner-city of New york and stopped at a straight corner. "I'm going to let you all out here. I want you all to head HOME, not wherever you guys be, not your friends. Home, streets aren't safe."

"I'll make sure we all get there." Huey promised with a straight face. Derek nodded and the trio got out of the vehicle and began walking off. Huey stared as Dereks car got further and further. "We're heading to the tenement." Huey said.

Riley cackled. "I already knew that, we don't listen to the po-po."

"Shidd, y'all have fun, I gotta go see Ming. Speedburn's locked away. My job is done." Huey stopped for a moment and turned to Hiro, he dapped him up and Riley did the same. "Catch ya later." 

Huey and Riley continued the walk, still keeping an eye out, they had other people that didn't like that other than Speedburn. Besides, with Caesar snitching it wouldn't take long before they're all labeled as snitches. It took them a couple of minutes to arrive at the tenement, it wasn't very far from where Derek dropped them off.

They went in the back way and made their way into the area they're usually in. To their surprise, there was Jazmine, Cindy, and Ming. "Fuck you doin here?" Riley asked.

"Hiro didn't fuckin tell me he was going with you guys! It took me hours to figure out where he might've gone. Then, I come here expecting to find him, but word on the street is you all got picked up. Where's Hiro?"

"Going home." Huey plainly spoke and walked over to the couch and sat down, his back hurt from that rough bed and he had a migraine. "You want a cigarette, Huey?" Jazmine asked. "Not in the mood right now." 

He wasn't in the mood for anything, getting picked up was like a small reality call, a glimpse into the future. If he didn't change his ways, that's how he'd end up.

Riley shrugged. "Mo for me." He snatched the pack of cigarettes off the table, along with a match and lit up his cigarette. "A nigga thought he was finna have to stop smoking." He sat on the ground next to Cindy. Ming rolled her eyes and got up. "Well, Cindy and Jazmine, it was fun girls but I gotta talk to Hiro about shit. I'll catch y'all." Ming rushed out of the room without any type of hugs or daps given. Cindy waited until she was gone and blurted out. "Was sick of that bitch. Fake ass hoe. She prolly goin to tell Hiro not to be hangin roun us."

"Right." Jazmine co-signed her. "Ion know why he datin that square ass bitch."

Huey scoffed. "She's square cause she wants to go somewhere in her life?"


While the group bickered about who's square and not square, Caesar was laid up inside of a hospital bed, with bald patches inside of his hair. It was a sight to see, his face was swollen badly, to the point where his eyes was shut. He had to be operated on for internal bleeding. Speedburn had gotten him bad.

He soon a voice. "You doin ok?" Caesar weakly said. "Does it look like i am?"

Stacey sighed and said next to his bed. The hospital released her hours ago but she came back to check on Caesar. Mentally, she was broken and her mind still thinking about what happened to her from the alleyway. She reeked of alcohol. "I'm sorry that happened to you Caesar."

"I'm sorry it too... I heard what happened to you, are you ok?"

Stacey thought about that question for a moment. Was she ok, the answer was obviously no but it was deeper than that, was she ok to live for however long she's going to believe now that this has happened to her. Can she go on to have a normal prosperous life. "I really don't know. Still sorta of in shock."

"Me too." Caesar said, reaching his hand out to the sound of her voice and placing a hand on her shoulder. "We'll be fine...eventually."

To be continued.

Sorry for the short chapter, wanted to put much of the effort into my new book, Boondocks:Bojuee/Tale of hearts. Go and check it out!

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