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It had been a couple days that passed between the time Huey, and the rest got out and Caesar and Stacey's attack. Caesar and Stacey had now both checked out of the hospital. Caesar still was badly hurt, but he felt the pain of his ego hurting even more.

Caesar wasn't much for losing fights not to mention, getting beat and letting another get hurt because of his mistake. It was dumb for him to be on those streets that night.

For the first time in awhile, Caesar stayed away from the troubled kids and the tenants. Changing his life around seemed like it was going to be the way to go. There was quite literally nothing else that could be done, he was hurt and injured. Stealing weed, and smoking cigarettes wouldn't sustain him forever.

While Caesar was cleaning up the kitchen while his mom was at work, he got a knock at the door. He placed the mop he had been using against the counter and wiped his hands off on his sweat pants. He strolled over to the door and opened it , surprised to see Hueys face. He almost shut the door once he realized, but Huey started with a, "Where have you been?"

"Living my life, Yknow the shit you yap on about constantly." Caesar remarked back.

"You don't got to be smart with me. Believe me, everybody else is already mad with you."
Caesars ears couldn't believe what he was hearing, he almost shut the door right there. How could it be that his friends, who he loved, trusted, and protected, can be so selfish. He was changing his life , and moving onto better things , he was actually trying. And now they want to be mad?

His mind was going rampant with these thoughts "For what? For tryin to be somebody."

Huey shut it down immediately , and shot him a dirty look "No, for leaving the group around a time like this. You know we have to group up, and you're up here cowering in fear."

"What use will I be? I barely am able to walk, my head is still pounding from that headache. I'm not that dude no more brotha. I don't know what to tell you." Caesar began shutting the door, but Huey placed his foot in the crack before it all the way shut.

"So that's how it's going to be?" Huey asked.
Caesar nodded his head and Huey kinda half grinned , nodding to himself. He respected Caesar for sticking to his word, he was planning on it someday. Maybe when this was all over Huey would take this route. But not now, not during times like this.

Huey forced himself inside of Caesars home, shutting the door behind him. "Look, I don't want to be the one to make you go back on your word. But, imagine SpeedBurn catches me and Jazzy next time. Or Riley and Cindy. Shit, even Hiro and Ming, and they barely started hanging around us again. We gotta be together bruh. Only way, we can all eventually leave this shit behind." Huey explained.

Caesar raised a brow, and crossed his arms. "What do you mean 'leave this shit behind'?"

"I mean all of it, the stealing, the drugs, everything. Once we know, the SpeedBurn shit is over. We can quit this shit. None of us gotta continue getting hurt for us to realize this. But I need you with me."

Caesar thought it over for a moment, and like always there was a lot of truth to what Huey was speaking. Caesar eventually nodded his head and gave Huey a clear indication he was down with the plan. He dapped up Huey, and grinned, "Alright, I'm down for this."

Huey gladly embraced Caesar. "Good, cause you're going to like what we're going to be doin today. Let's head back to the tenement."
Meanwhile, back at the tenement Riley was explaining the plan with the girls and Hiro, who had surprisingly came back and decided to hang around for the time being, although Ming didn't accompany him. "So, that SpeedBurn dude locked away ri?" Riley started,

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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