-Chapter Two-

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It had been about 3 weeks since Daisy had first applied to her new job and she had gotten used to everyone and everything by now and so she got out of bed this morning, tired like always from a long day before, dealing with these god awful campers. Sure, She'll admit that these kids were amazing but they were so god damn hard to handle, it was like handing a super hyper puppy and needing to stop it from mischief.

Daisy had stretched once she had gotten out of bed and it gave out a few loud pops before she groaned and headed into the bathroom as that's her regular routine. She looked in the mirror as she always did, hating the new day that had come, wishing that she didn't have to work so hard all the time and that's when something hit her. She looked to her chest, it was of course the same as it's always been but something felt different. It's almost like she felt like her chest shouldn't appear clearly feminine having boobs and all, as if. She was in the wrong body?

That was incredibly stupid to think...

Of course she's not in the wrong body. She is supposed to be a female, she was born a female..

But what's different today...?

She started trying to put her thoughts together but nothing clicked so she decided to just brush it off and move on with the day as she began brushing her hair, making sure to get tangles out and brushing her teeth. She had finished the main things and then grabbed her usual outfit she wore on a daily basis and changed into it quickly and then decided it was the time to take her pills real quick before she forgets.

She grabbed the pill bottle from her desk and opened the bottle, shaking out 2 pills onto her hand and popping them into her mouth and swallowing without water. She regretted the choice because she hated the feeling of taking them straight dry, but she had just woken up a few minutes ago so of course she didn't think too much about it.

She put on her usual cheery smile and headed out of her cabin and went to all of the campers who looked very tired as always and Daisy then turned to the little black haired boy, as he always seemed to have a burning rage shown clear through his eyes at her actions all the time, as he always glared in her direction but she never payed attention to it much, as she didn't find it to be anything. "Kid, probably just hates the camp too much." That's what she always said to herself about it. She started her usual good morning she always did once she had went to all of the children and they would always groan afterwards in annoyance, and thinking it was too early for that, and they all absolutely hated it.


Daisy had shouted out, as said. All the kids groaned and daisy led them all into the mess hall so they could grab their breakfast, Quarter Master had prepared that morning. She stood near a corner of the mess hall, watching over everyone and making sure things went well, as she's supposed to do, and she looked over to what they were serving this morning and it seems to be this kind of greenish slop that Quarter Master had plopped onto everyones trays as they all came up, and eventually everyone was sitting down and talking to the people they always sat with.

Daisy looked over to max who was playing with his food, before deciding to say something as the little boy stood up on his seat and yelled to everyone.


Those are the exact words that left the child's mouth as he started throwing his slop into someone's hair and that started the little food war around the mess hall and Daisy couldn't do much but stand there as she didn't know how to fix this, so she decided to wait it out. Hating the fact she would have to clean it up afterwards.

After the kids had finished their little food throwing frenzy, Daisy grabbed a few things and started cleaning the slop that was scattered all around the mess hall. It was on the floors and even the walls, and she groaned loudly and sighed heavily afterwards and it took about an hour to clean the whole mess up which she was angry about. She threw her bright smile back on her face and walked out of the mess hall as she immediately spotted a kid trying to attack another and she ran over yelling and grabbing the kid being attacked and yelling at the kid who had decided to attack but soon after she had set the other child back down and calmed down as she started shouting out an art activity to do today which was macaroni art since she had no other ideas, and this idea made the small boy who loved art jump up and down in excitement, loving the idea way more than he probably should have, but that's how it is if your an art obsessed kid, eh?

After about a half an hour of doing this activity, Daisy had gotten a call from an unknown number and excused herself from the children and slowly answered the phone, sounding nervous, as it could be anyone.


"Hi! I don't necessarily work at that camp your working at but I'm calling to inform you that there will be a guy coming in about a half an hour as the new counselor, and I wanted to tell you this so you wouldn't think he's a complete stranger, haha!"

"Oh! Thank you for letting me know, I'll keep an eye out. Thank you."

"No problem!"

Days hung up the phone. What a pleasant surprise. A new counselor!? This would be great! She could really use the help, she had been struggling the past 3 weeks by herself and had really needed help. She eventually snapped back to reality and realized she had left the kids and when she went back to them, she realized the macaroni spilt all over the tables and floors and she groaned in annoyance, keeping her smile in her face as if it had been glued there so it wouldn't leave her face and she decided to excuse herself once more and left the are, standing outside of it and leaning against the wood, and that's when she hadn't noticed that a half an hour passed and the new guy had came and she ran over to him, quickly shaking his hand and introducing herself with her name and the guy did the same.

"My name is Daniel."


Two chapters in one day/night because your author needs to be more productive and has motivation for now, YAY. <33

(1165 words)

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