-Chapter six-

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Doing a time skip cuz I don't know what to do, I'm sorry for not getting chapter 6 out sooner, I'm lazy and usually have lots of writers block, having no motivation at all but I've been doing other things lately so apologizing for that now. I'm gonna start to get more into the description of the story and more danvid up and running.

(Daisy's POV)

It's been about 2 weeks more I've been here now. I've built a friendship with Daniel and all that but. Things have been weird lately when I look in the mirror. I felt different whenever I did and I started not liking my chest being big. Wanting it to be flat when I looked everyday. That's not how things work, is it tho?

I got up this morning and stretched, popping my knuckles too and when I stretched my back gave a few pops and same with popping my knuckles, and I went  to the bathroom looking down to my chest as I did more often and I sighed heavily. I didn't like it. It made me feel wrong. And to add a long with this issue. I don't even feel like I'm a female and I don't wanna be. I don't know what it is.. maybe I can just talk to Daniel about it.

I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair and went over to my pill bottle and realized it was empty so it was another one of those days I needed to pick up my new prescription so I quickly changed into my regular clothes I wore and grabbed my phone and keys and grabbed the empty bottle as well and went out of the cabin and went looking for Daniel.

After about a minute I found him talking to Nikki about eating dirt again. I walked up to him and told him I'd be gone for a few minutes picking up my prescription and there was something I wanted to talk about with him in private when I returned.

"What is it?"

"I can't say right now, I have to go."

"Alright then. Drive safe."

"I will."

I gave him a quick hug and went over to my car and unlocked the door, getting in the driver's seat and putting my key in the car, starting it up and soon enough I was on the road to where I would pick up my new bottle.

It took about 10 minutes to get to where I was going and then when I got there I parked my car and went inside the place and I went up to a desk with a lady sitting behind it.

"Excuse me."

"Oh! Sorry. Are you here to pick something up?"

"Yes, actually. It's these."

I showed her the pill bottle and she got up from her seat and asked for my name.

I answered and she went to the back to get my prescription. I sat down somewhere and waited for her to get back.

After about a silent 7 minutes she came back and set the small white paper bag with my pill bottle in it on the desk she sat at and she called me over.

"Daisy ______"

I got up from where I was sitting and walked over to the desk where the lady was and grabbed the paper bag from the top, gripping onto it and I dragged it to my side and thanked the lady before heading out.

I got back in my car and soon enough was driving back to my summer camp job I've learned to hate and love at the same time. Eventually after a bit it felt too quiet so I turned on the radio and a tune I had heard before bad came on so I sang the lyrics to it as it played and after a few minutes passed I was back at camp and the song had finished.

I got out of the car and hummed the tune that played before, and I kept a good grip on the white bag I had and went looking for Daniel again and found him talking to Nerris about attacking Harrison again. God, these kids were always up to something.

I walked up to him and lightly put my hand down on his shoulder and he stood straight and turned a bit, and he realized I was there and he gave me a quick hug, excited that I had returned.

"ok, so. You know that thing I had to tell you about?"


"Your not busy right now.. right?"



I grabbed him by the hand and dragged him behind the cabin.

He seemed confused why in this area but he went along with it and listened to what I had to say. He listened to everything and said a few words before that was done with and I hugged him and thanked him as he returned the hug.

He then pulled away from the hug and moved a bit of hair out of my face. And listen. I haven't felt anything the whole time I've known Daniel, but. There was some kind of like.. weird feeling in my stomach when he did so. Maybe I was feeling sick? But. It didn't feel like sickness. It felt nice. Maybe I'm just feeling weird about the thoughts this morning.

I brushed it all off and then told him I was gonna go lay down and he let me head back to the cabin to return to my room. Once I got there I took my pills in my hand and got it done with and laid down, eventually falling asleep. Later on, a few hours later I woke up from my rest, not knowing the time so I checked and saw it was 9:17 pm and the kids would be in bed by now and I sat up hoping going back in here didn't make anything hard for Daniel. I didn't want that at all. So I got up and went to go find him and found him leaning against the cabin outside of it.


"Oh, heyy."

Something seemed off. He seemed tired. But, oh well. We were always tired after all. But.. something happened I didn't expect.

(1048 words)

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