-Chapter Three-

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A POV This Time! Yay! I'm making a chapter three because your author should and needs to keep ya updated so, enjoy! :) - max

(Daisy's POV)

"My name is Daniel."

And I know that we just met, but I must admit. His voice sounded like he's from heaven or something, and he was quite attractive. Not that I have a crush on him or something, cause I know absolutely nothing about this guy! That would be strange if I did. But anyway.

"Nice to meet you Daniel! If you would like, I could show you to where the campers are? We were in the middle of an activity at the moment!"

"Thank you, that would be great."

"Follow me!"

This guy seemed great already. But besides that. I'm glad to finally have some help around here, it's been hard and I can only assume that these kids had been making messes while I wasn't watching them...

I brought him into where we were doing our macaroni art and as soon as we took a step in you could hear a crunch below our feet and I groaned. I kept my smile glued to my features despite the annoyance of the mess everywhere of un cooked macaroni all over the floor and tables.

"Would you need any help cleaning this up, when they're done?"

Daniel turned to me and asked.

I didn't expect that, honestly. I wasn't complaining tho, any help would save me from losing my shit and probably having a breakdown when the kids weren't around. So that's good I guess.

"Yes, that would help a lot."


About 10 minutes later, the kids started wrapping it up and they left the area to go do god knows what and me and Daniel began cleaning up which took about an hour, which I hated of course. Oh well. I didn't really have a choice cleaning the mess up, it's the responsibility of a counselor here and I absolutely hated it.

A few hours had passed and it was starting to get dark out so I decided it was a good time to send the kids off to bed so I headed over to them.

"Bed time! Get to your tents!"

"Fuck off!"


I sighed heavily. This kid had no respect whatsoever.

"You have to!"

"You can't make me!!"

"Max, I have had it up to here with you!! Why can't you behave and do what your told!?"

I put my hand to my waist.

"You're not my mom!!"

I don't know what happened at the exact moment but I snapped and started yelling at him, and it was a lot more than I would have thought it would be. I don't know what happened because I was able to keep my cool usually cause I hid how much I hated the days but I was anger filled and I just started spouting out words I would have regret, but I immediately stopped when I felt arms wrap around my waist tightly, which I would assume it was to calm me down?? I tensed at the sudden contact from behind and I shut up. My cheeks gained a small hint of red to them and I attempted to turn around to see who it was.

It was Daniel.
And when I turned around our faces were inches away from each others.

"Daisy. You need to calm down.."

He sounded almost worried in a way, but maybe just worried about me making max upset or something.


I removed his hands from around my waist and turned around and hugged him. I lost my temper and yelled at a kid because I was stressed. I couldn't control it, and I almost felt bad for yelling.

I heard small sniffles coming from the kid as he angrily walked to his tent and Daniel told the rest of the kids to get to their tents and they all did. Daniel wrapped his arms around me once all the kids had made their way to their tents and we sat in silence for a minute before he spoke.

"What was that about?"

"I'm usually able to stay calm but I just was stressed and didn't think about what I was doing first.."

"How about you take a break tomorrow and I'll deal with everyone. I assume you need one."

"I- thank you."

I headed off to bed and went into the cabin I stayed in as Daniel walked in, going to a room that was in the cabin and soon enough he had gone to bed, and I did my night routine of changing into some comfy clothes and brushing my teeth and I got underneath my blanket, bringing it up to my shoulders and I eventually fell asleep almost instantly.


Your author put less words in this chapter cuz he has no ideas. Chapter 4 will be coming out later today or tonight! :D


(825 words)

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