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Minho waited by the bus stop for Changbin outside of their collage.

They had to receive their new dorm contracts for the year as now in their second year of collage they were set to move to another building.

The dorms were done in blocks of the different years in the collage itself. The new students were closer to the collage since they would be getting used the new environment.

But in his second year of collage, Minho finally was able to move to the second year dorms.

Changbin's bus pulled up and off he came with a smile as he saw his best friend. "Hey Min" he waved as he walked up to him.

Minho smiled "Morning" He replied. "Ready for our new dorms?" He asked excitedly. Changbin nodded as they made their way through the gate.

"I am and I'm not" He chuckled. "I don't want to be roomed with someone weird" He spoke. Minho hummed "If we're lucky we'll be roomed together"

Changbin laughed. "That would be a dream" He replied. "Although I don't think I'd be able to cope with living with you" he received a punch in the arm. "Yah what's that supposed to mean?"

Minho glared at him as Changbin laughed. "Love you" He replied.

They walked into the reception of the collage where a bunch of their year group was gathered as well as the other year groups.

Minho looked around "Do you see Hyunjin?" he asked eyeing the groups of people. Changbin looked around as well but saw nothing.

"Maybe he's not here yet" He shrugged. Minho laughed "Hyunjin? Not here yet? Are you dumb?"

Hyunjin was always known for punctuality especially when it came to things he was excited for. Only two days ago he said he'd be camping outside of the collage to be the first one in to get his dorm room.

But the pair couldn't find him.

Minho walked over to the desk where the receptionist Ahria worked. She was in her mid forties and probably one of Minho's favourite people in the collage.

"Minho my dear!" She smiled as she looked up to see who was next. Minho smiled "How are you Ahria?" he asked as she looked through files for his dorm key and contract.

"I'm good" She smiled. "You're busy today huh?" Minho chuckled. "Tell me about it kid" She replied. "Ah here you are!" She handed him the key and followed by the contract as she stamped it.

"You're new roommate hasn't arrived yet but due to a lot of new students coming in this year unfortunately you'll have a first year student rooming with you" She explained.

Minho was disappointed but he didn't exactly mind either. "Oh alright.. That's okay"

"Sorry about that Minho, you're not the only one though" She smiled softly. Minho nodded feeling a slight bit more relieved.

"Thanks Ahria" He moved away. He walked over to Changbin who was two people behind him in the line. "Well? Are we roommates?" He asked.

Minho shook his head. "Nope even worse. I have to room with a first year" He sighed. Changbin let out a laugh. "Sorry" He covered his mouth.

Minho glared "But I'm not the only one though I hope you room with a first year too" He replied. Changbin gasped "Why would you wish that on me!"

Minho folded his arms. "You're a dickhead that's why" He responded. Changbin pretend that he took a stab to the heart. "That one hurt Minho.. That one hurt"

"Oh get over it" Minho laughed. "Who's your roommate then?" Changbin changed the topic.

Minho shrugged "I actually don't wanna know" He sighed as he looked down at the folded piece of paper in his hand. "Like what if it's one of those weirdos"

Changbin laughed "Is it Hyunjin?" He joked. Minho laughed loudly "Probably"

Feeling slightly better about wanting to know his roommate. He opened the paper and skimmed over it to the end of the page.

In a small box, his name was written on top with his new roommate underneath. His smile dropped.

Lee Minho| 2nd year | computer science
Han Jisung | 1st year| Music + psychology

"What's up? Who is it?" Changbin pulled Minho out of his trance. "Ah no one" He mumbled.

Changbin furrowed his brows. "No one? You look like you've seen a ghost" He replied. "Just go get your dorm key already" Minho sighed as Changbin was called over.

This couldn't be happening. Minho felt like the world was doing him wrong. He would've actually preferred to have been roomed with one of the weirdos that he would have remembered from school but this was a level below.


Minho looked around as did many others. Then he saw Hyunjin running over to him. He threw himself at the elder for a hug.

"I missed you guys so much!" He exclaimed. Minho laughed "Bro you saw us two days ago"

"I know that but like in school! I'll actually have you both again" He continued as he then pulled away from the hug. "You don't know the trauma I went through last year" He pretended to cry.

Minho just nodded his head. "I'm sure you'll be fine here" He reassured. Hyunjin nodded "Yep I know I will since I got my favs back!"

Changbin walked over and gave Hyunjin a hug. "Hyunjin!" He smiled. "It feels weird seeing the three of us in college together"

Minho nodded. "It feels like it's been years since we were last together like this" He added. Hyunjin agreed "So true"

Despite seeing each other over the summer it was different to see each other in collage together.

"But we're back baby!" Changbin laughed. He turned to Minho "You cursed me" He glared. "I'm roomed with a first year too" He rolled his eyes.

Minho laughed "Who?" He asked. Changbin scoffed "I'm not telling you if you didn't tell me"

Minho rolled his eyes. "Tell me! I'll tell you then" He urged. Changbin showed him the paper. "Lee Felix?" Minho read.

Hyunjin hummed. "I dunno him" He shrugged. "Must be an exchange student" he added. Minho nodded "Must be.. His major is English"

Changbin hummed. "Hopefully he's nice.. What about you then?"

Minho looked down at his paper. He bit his lip and sighed. "Han Jisung" that was all he had to say to feel a cold silence rush over the three.

Hyunjin was the first to break it. "No. Why is he roomed with you!" He covered his mouth in horror. Minho shrugged "Too many new students.. But he's so odd I actually wanted to talk to my roommate"

Hyunjin shook his head. "No hyung. He's gotten worse than what he was like when you were in school"

Changbin and Minho looked at each other. "As in?" Minho asked.

Hyunjin pulled them away from the people behind them.

"He got into a fight with one of the boys in our year and... Like he went missing. No one knows what happened"

Minho's eyes widened as did Changbin's.

What the fuck was Minho about to get himself into?

+. - +. - +. - +. -+-.

Hehehe and it begins

Minho's gonna be doing a lot more than just talking with Jisung tho😜🤭

Should I warn there's a lot more.. Mature content in this one compared to my other stories? Yeah just disclaimer :)

But as always I will put tw beforehand

ANYWAYS HOW ARE YOU! hope you're well! I had rehearsals all day and there was a bad thunderstorm but yeah life's chill.


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