Thirty Eight 🥀

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Minho and Jisung walked into the lunch room and saw their friends already sitting down having lunch.

They delayed themselves a little by having a short make out session but they somehow made it for the last twenty minutes of their lunch.

Hyunjin was the first to see them. "Hey guys!" Minho got jealous instantly and took Jisung's hand into his. Jisung looked at their hands and grinned.

The pair sat next to each other as they usually did. "Where were you two all day? I didn't see you around earlier Jisung" Felix asked.

Jisung shrugged "I was tired" He mumbled. "And still am, so imma take a nap" He leaned his head onto Minho's shoulder and closed his eyes.

"Should I be asking why Jisung is tired or?" Hyunjin asked with a smirk on his face. Minho looked at him with a little glare "No you shouldn't"

Hyunjin laughed. "Hyung the hickies on your neck say otherwise"

Changbin's eyes widened a little. "Did you two-"

"No" Jisung cut him off, his eyes still closed. Felix laughed "I love how blunt Jisung is" He covered his mouth a little.

Minho smiled. "Yeah. Try deal with it Everyday and every hour" He replied. Jisung added on "And every minute and every second"

Minho rolled his eyes. Changbin was looking at the two with fond eyes but especially Jisung. He'd never seen him so comfortable with anyone before.

Minho caught the look Changbin was giving
"You okay?" He asked. The other nodded "Jisung just looks comfortable" He mumbled so only Minho could hear.

Minho smiled "Really?" he asked. Changbin leaned into Minho's ear "He told me last night you asked him to be your boyfriend"

Minho's eyes widened and his face turned red. "He.. Told you that?" He asked shocked. Changbin nodded "He really likes you"

Minho glanced down at Jisung who somehow was knocked out already. "I like him too"

Changbin smiled. "Don't hurt him" He mumbled. Minho looked back at the other. "I wouldn't do that"

"Jisung didn't have the best experience with his last relationship. I know he'll be okay with you since he's acting completly different to usual but it's a good thing" Changbin explained.

Minho smiled "Really?" he asked happily. Changbin nodded "I won't embarrass him but some of the things he told me last night about you were the cutest things I've ever heard him say"

Minho smiled. His heart fluttering.

"Okay enough of the romance" Hyunjin cut in on the moment. Minho and Changbin looked at him. "What? I don't need to know what Jisung was Saying about Minho hyung"

Minho scoffed. "You seemed to want Jisung to step on you yesterday" He said plainly. Hyunjin rolled his eyes "We were just tryna make you jealous"

Minho opened his mouth and closed it again. "Oh" he said. how it worked.

"I'm guessing it worked" Felix laughed. Minho scoffed "Where's Seungmin?"

Hyunjin pouted "He didn't feel well today. He said he was up all night getting sick" Minho frowned as Changbin rolled his eyes.

"Damn" Minho replied. "Hope he's okay" He added. Changbin hummed "Oh I'm sure he is"

Jisung groaned a little. "Stop being so loud for fucks sake"

"You're the one who decided to use the lunch room as a bedroom so suck it up" Hyunjin replied. Jisung opened his eyes "I know we said we'd get along now Hyunjin but that doesn't mean I can't still demolish you"

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