Twenty Three🥀

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Hey hyung
I'm back in the dorm now
Can you let felix know?

Yeah sure thing

"Felix, Changbin is back in the dorm" He said to the boy beside him who was falling asleep watching the movie on the TV.

"Oh really? Good" He yawned. "Thanks for letting me stay over" He got up from the sofa.

The pair walked to the door as Felix put his shoes back on. "Changbin said it was family emergency.. I hope everything is okay" he mumbled.

Minho hummed. "I'm sure it is" he replied. "Goodnight Felix"

"Night Minho" He waved before leaving the dorm.

Now Minho wondered about Jisung. What happened? If Changbin was back, why wasn't Jisung?

He grew tired and went back to sit down on the sofa to wait for Jisung to return.

He hoped his was okay. He really did. His eyes grew heavier as he watched the TV. Everything became muffled and he slowly drifted to sleep.

His sleep wasn't long as he was woken up at 4 in the morning. He jolted awake. But he calmed down as he saw Jisung in front of him.

"Go to bed" Jisung said softly. Minho shook his head waking himself up. As he did, he took notice of the bloodstains all over Jisung's face. It was like stars of blood scattered on his face.

Minho gulped. "What.. Happened?" He asked. Jisung backed away and that's when Minho saw the open wound on Jisung's arm.

"Yah!" He stood up pulling the arm Jisung hurt. Jisung hissed and snapped it away. "Han Jisung." Minho's voice was stern.

Jisung looked away. "What happened?" Minho asked again.

Jisung let out a breath. "He got me Minho" He mumbled. Minho didn't know who but he didn't want to ask. "I'm weaker than him" Jisung continued on.

"What did he do?" Minho asked. Jisung let out another breath. "He shot me.. He kicked me"

Minho's eyes widened. "You told me you'd be okay" Jisung looked a mess. His blue hair was messy and blood was all over his clothes.

"He's gotten stronger Min" Jisung was pulled into the bathroom with Minho. "Take off your shirt" Minho spoke.

Jisung chuckled. "Wanna see me shirtless huh?" He asked. Minho gave him a blank look. "Not that way right now" He replied as Jisung pulled the top off with one hand.

He didn't lift the arm he was shot in. Minho took the shirt down on that arm for Jisung. He winced but Minho couldn't help that.

Minho took a look at Jisung's stomach and saw marks and bruises. He didn't say anything although he felt extremely worried for the younger.

Minho started disinfecting the wound on Jisung's arm. Jisung closed his eyes tightly. "I'm sorry if it hurts" Minho pouted. Jisung shook his head "It's okay"

Then Minho wrapped a bandage around it. Luckily it wasn't something that would have to be taken to hospital with. It would definitely leave a mark or a scar like the one Jisung had on his face.

Minho took out some cream from the first aid kit and applied it to the bruised areas on Jisung's stomach.

Minho got carried away with feeling Jisung's abs though. Jisung was watching him as he did this and it made him flustered. "the cream should help heal the bruises"

Jisung hummed before bringing Minho's face to look up at him. Jisung pressed his lips against Minho's softly yet needy.

Jisung pulled away "Thank you" He mumbled. Minho nodded lightly as he tasted a small bit of blood on his lips.

He shuddered a little not exactly knowing who's blood it was. "You have blood all over your face" Minho brought his hand to Jisung's cheek.

Jisung looked at himself in the mirror and sighed "Could you pass me a towel?" He asked. Minho handed him a small towel.

He watched Jisung wet the fabric before wiping of the blood.

Minho took this time to ask. "Changbin got home before you did... Where'd you go?"

Jisung looked at Minho through the mirror. "If I tell you, you'd be scared of me" He chuckled. Minho shrugged "I don't think I would be"

He most definitely would but he wanted to know.

Jisung looked back at himself as he continued to wipe off the blood from his face. "I killed someone" he said bluntly.

Minho felt his stomach turn in fear. "I got angry at the guy who shot me and when I left I just went out and killed people"

Minho didn't say anything. He could only imagine how ruthlessly Jisung killed those people.

"How many?" Minho asked. Jisung shrugged "Two? Three?" he replied. He put the towel into the small washing basket beside the sink.

He turned around to look at Minho. "You're not scared of me?" He asked. Minho didn't reply and asked a different question. "How did you kill them?" He asked.

Why he wanted to know was beyond him. Jisung rose a brow "You want to know that?" He asked. Minho nodded.

"I stabbed them" Jisung shrugged pulling the dagger out from his back pocket. It was stained red. Minho tensed as he looked at it.

"I stabbed them over and over again until I felt okay" Jisung put the dagger into his pocket again. Minho opened his mouth a little and closed it again.

He didn't know what to say.

Jisung seemed to continue to talk about what he did though.

"The first one I just stabbed in the neck, then threw her onto the ground and the just repeatedly stabbed her chest.. And maybe her face? I don't know" Jisung came out of his thoughts as he looked at Minho who stared at him in horror.

Jisung walked over to him a bit but Minho backed away. "Minho" Jisung frowned.

"Just... You swear you won't hurt me right?" He asked. Jisung nodded "I told you I'd rather kill myself if I did"

Minho let out a breath. "Can you.. Start taking your pills?" He asked. Jisung gave a blank face in response. "I know you don't like them but.. I'm worried you might hurt me-"

"Minho i wouldn't live with myself if I did that" Jisung cut in. Minho gulped "Please Jisung" he looked him in the eye.

Jisung sighed. "Fine. But only for you" He put out his hand wanting Minho to take it.

Minho slowly placed his hand into Jisung's but then jumped slightly as Jisung pulled him in for a hug.

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