Fourty One🥀

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The next morning when Jisung was still sleeping in Minho's room, Minho went out to the kitchen and made a phone call to his uncle.

He bit his nails as the phone dialed. He couldn't believe what he was doing. How did he end up so caught up in the mafia?

His boyfriend was in the mafia and now his family have a whole mafia themselves that was going on for years without his knowledge.

Minho felt obliged to join it. Not because of his family but because he was extremely worried about Jisung.

He knew how much Jisung wanted to protect him but he wasn't sure the younger boy would be even able to protect himself.

He had to train to protect himself. So this would be the only way if he was to be face to face with mafia gangs.

He had to learn through the mafia and he didn't think Jisung would be able to even teach him anything. He probably wouldn't let him learn anything either.

Changbin wouldn't do it either. Minho felt his heart pound when the phone was picked up.

"Minho?" His uncles voice sounded through the phone. Minho gulped "Hi... Um.. You know I was thinking... About that offer" He took a pause. "I'll join"

His uncle hummed. "You sure? It's a lot of hard work kid" he said. Minho hesitated a reply.

He looked over at his bedroom door where Jisung was sleeping. "I can do it" He replied.

His uncle hummed. "Well then" he sounded more excited now. "In that case, you will need to stay with me for a few weeks as we train you"

Minho frowned. "What?" he mumbled. "But what about college"

"I'll explain that a family issue has come up and that you will need to leave for a while" He rattled off. Minho nodded slightly.

"And... I can tell that to my friends-"



Minho looked over at his room door again. He nodded slightly "How long do i have til I have to go?"

His uncle hummed. "Four days? I'll let you know when everything is ready for you"

Minho nodded finally realising what consequences he was getting himself into.

"Okay.. Got it"

Then his uncle hung up. Minho sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

His phone buzzed with a message

Society hazards👹🏳️‍🌈

Hyunjin😑 added unknown to the chat

Who's unknown?



I told him I didn't want to join but ok

Damn not a true friend

If you still have my name written with 😑then ur not a true friend

I don't have ur name like that🙄

Bet he does


Hyung how's Jisung?

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