Chapter 22: Dem Schnee Helfen (Revised)

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Atlas, Schnee Mansion

Time: 1400

Weiss, Winter, and Marlen were on a Bullhead that was about to land at the Schnee mansion, problem was that Marlen was out cold.

How and why was Marlen asleep, let's head back to Marlen being awake.


Marlen: So, your mother is an alcoholic?

Winter: Yes, a somewhat extreme one at that.

Marlen: *Yawn* I know how that feels.

Weiss: Are you ok Marlen?

Marlen: Ja, just a little sleepy.

Weiss looked slightly concerned while Winter had a questionable look on her face.

Weiss: What time did you sleep?

Winter: You slept at your advisable time, right?

Marlen: Nein, I had guard duty at ze MOB. So, I didn't get zat much sleep.

Weiss: How much sleep did you get?

Marlen: Ah, about an hour or so.

Weiss: What!? Did you take any caffeine or anything!?

Marlen: Nein, we had ze rocket launch, so couldn't get any.

Winter: A-are you sure you want to do this?

Marlen: Ja, I know how it feels to have an alcoholic parent. So, I want to help you, Weiss.

Winter: We appreciate the help, but if you got an hour of sleep, how much do you usually get, to be this tired?

Marlen: I go to sleep earlier than ze others, so about 6 or so.

Weiss tried to help Marlen a bit by letting him sleep now.

Weiss: Look we have a while until we arrive, just take a nap here.

Marlen gave a long yawn, before barley responding.

Marlen: Alright zen- *snore*

Marlen fell over to his side, laying his head on Weiss's shoulder.

Weiss: Eep!

Winter: Weiss, I would suggest you move his head.

Weiss: N-no, i-it's ok.

Winter: But...

Weiss: It's fine!

Weiss then piped down blushing. Winter noticed this and kept quiet.

Winter: 'So she like's this.'

Flashback end

Weiss: M-Marlen.

Weiss shook Marlen a bit, waking him up. Marlen then spoke sounding a little tired still.

Marlen: Eh, vat happened...?

Weiss: We're almost there, Marlen.

Marlen: Oh...

Marlen then felt himself still leaned over and lifted his head a bit.

Marlen: Vat am I- What ze hell!?

Marlen quickly moved away from Weiss worried.

Marlen: I'm so sorry Weiss!

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