The journal

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Frank usually only lets me into the living room of their house, but today they led me straight to their office. Butterfly posters were carefully placed along the walls and many books were stacked on a table in the corner. They took me by the hand and showed me a journal that was hidden neatly in one of their dresser drawers. 

"Read it, please," they requested. 

The first page seemed to be wrote in a letter format. I read with caution, knowing that this very well could be talking about how much they hate me. It was addressed to me.

"Dear Eddie,

I wish that I walk right up to that glorious post office and talk to you, but I could never. You're probably talking to Julie right now. Sadly, it isn't me. So I'm fake talking to you in this letter. I hope that if we ever do get together, I can show you these to tell you how much I love you. 

Today, I found a flower in the woods that reminded me of your loving gaze. I so badly wanted to give it to you. But just like me, it needs to stay rooted in the familiar. I sat next to it and imagined you wrapping your arms around me. The good feeling waded away when a breeze swept by and reminded me I'm delusional.

I really am turning crazy. Just yesterday, I yelled at you for folding something the wrong way, and now I expect you to love me? My senses are getting blinded by indescribable lovely feeling that is, well, you. Oh, how I long for you to feel the same way. 

                                                                                                          With love, 

                                                                                                                           Frank Frankly"

Once I finished reading this astonishing letter, I began to look throughout the rest of the book. It was filled to the brim with letters to me. Their lovely words entranced my heart and made me think lovely thoughts of them. 

"I'm so confused," I blurt out.

"I wish I could explain," they sigh. 

"Do you like me or not?" 

"Yes! But I just can't bring it to myself to tell you,"

"Why not? Don't you love me?" 

"I do, but I just feel so stupid. I'm supposed to be the smart one!" 

"Sweetheart, you're not stupid. I hope you know that I think you're the smartest most kind person alive,"

Their grey cheeks lit up a bright pink.

"It's just- moving very fast," 

"I'm sorry, love. That's my fault,"

"Can we talk for a while? I don't want to jump to anything I'm not sure of,"

I paused for a minute. This was the only thing I had been sure of my entire life. Everything about them was everything I had ever wanted. How could they not be sure? It hurt a bit, figuring that they still could say no. But that's not my decision to make. I respect whatever they do, no matter what. 

"Sure, darlin'" I reassure. 

"I've always loved you calling me that," they confess. 

I giggled a bit and hugged them. Usually, they stay stiff, not used to people touching them. Today, for the first time, they hugged me back. 

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