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Gene Alexander Williams. A 14-year-old young teenager who was born into a good family. He never asked much, just that he'll live with his family normally.

He liked to play games, and sometimes do house chores to help around. But mostly because he was bored, if there weren't any chores he would read and find new ways to keep himself entertained.

He was a very energetic and kind kid, one favorite thing he likes to do was make people smile. He was charming with his looks and good personality...

He had almost everything! Friends, charm, and a good family! His grades were even enough to make his parents proud.

He couldn't be more thankful!~




But... somehow everything changed from better to worse...



Red and blue lights can be seen as the sound of sirens can be heard throughout the dead of night.

Scenes of an ambulance rushing towards the nearest hospital, and people shouting as the world moved fast were almost terrifying and confusing...

The cold began to creep in as black dots started appearing and growing larger by the second, flooding and blocking any vision and light from passing through...

The voices started to sound more echoey and muffled, as the feeling of touch started to also fade...

Gene felt... numb... everything was so fast... he didn't even understand what was happening... he figured that maybe, everything was just a dream...




If only it was...


"Another child?..."

"This one seems familiar..."

"Now that you mention it... you're right!"

A gasp of shock and happiness was heard.

"Is that... Genesis?..."

"I-Is it really them?"

"It has to be! They looked exactly like our Genesis!"

"Well, there's only one way to find out..."

"Y-you mean..."

"It's the only way so we wouldn't lose him accidentally again, and also to know if it's really him..."

"But they might get hurt! If it's just a normal human, we may damage their soul!"

"It's just a small peek Sister! Besides, didn't you want our Genesis to come back? Well, this is an opportunity!"


"There's no time for arguments! We only have limited time, so we have to take a chance!"

"Just do it!"

Warm... it felt warm for some reason...

Wha?... What're these?... Are these memories?... But I don't...





N-no way! Are these really my memories? Wait... why do I feel like...

A groan escaped from Gene, as he felt a burning sensation within him like something was marked inside.

"It's him..."

"Oh, my Irene..."

A squeal of delight was heard. Gene felt something touch his face, it was a hand...

"Wake up brother"

This voice... reminds me of someone...

Genesis: Althea?...

"Yes, it's me, brother!~"

Gene now called Genesis opened his eyes then saw stars... and 3 beings.

One was smiling happily in front of him, the other two were looking at him with relief...

He blinked in amazement.

Genesis: I-is this real?... I-I'm not dreaming, right?

"Yes and No you're not dreaming brother..."

Genesis looked at the other two, noticing a taller and dark being was holding an upside-down heart with a mark.

Genesis: What's that?...

"Your soul and your familial mark, this way we won't lose you ever again... it also brought back your memories before you were a human..."

Genesis was quiet when suddenly he felt as if he was slowly going unconscious ...

Genesis: What is...

"It's time to go to your new life brother..."

"Good luck brother... remember we'll always be with you...!"

"We'll help you throughout your new life! For now... rest"


Then everything went dark. As the loud silence can be heard.




Reincarnated yet again! But as Ink sans?Where stories live. Discover now