Third birth?...

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I'm Genesis. I was born in a family full of Celestial beings who are also part of the royal family... We are a family that is connected...

We live where we are free and not discriminated against by others... We are no normal humans... But you already figured that out.

Some look like humans but some only have the structure of a human. They are beasts who were born to hunt, protect, and live their lives with their families.

Although they have the instincts of animals they still have morality. There are many types of beasts and Celestials around our world.

Of course, there are still normal animals and some mythical creatures around.




Anyway, each generation has a coming of age ceremony where when they are ready and at the right age they will be given a chance to visit the human world and live their life there for experience. Others call it reincarnation while some call it the "second birth".

They still have the same meaning though, but in your second life as a human or an animal. You must face the world with no knowledge of your being in the Celestial realm.

You will have to do everything from birth to the end all over again just to live in the human world successfully. Everyone in the Celestial realm is welcome to do or not to do the ceremony but if you are a noble or in a powerful family it is a must.

In their second life, there is a chance they will die either from natural causes or someone will kill them. After they die they will be transported back to the Celestial realm. Well, those only who weren't picked by the system to have a job or a purpose somewhere...

So there is a 1 in a thousand chance that a Celestial either from the royal or common family will be picked to yet again gain another chance in life. But if you were a god with a role then it is certain you will be picked to have another life.

Like me...

I was almost like our creator, I created and rebuilt worlds that were needed. Usually do it to practice only, until I was chosen by one of the other higher creators that were almost as powerful as our main creator to be their successor...

It was never my intention to be a successor but since it's about creating, I said "Hey, at least I could practice more and who knows maybe I can get even stronger!" then I agreed.

The good thing is you can go back to the Celestial realm in your third rebirth but, you must go back to your role after you're done visiting or having fun. Yes, you can have a break in the Celestial realm, and there is a time difference in that realm. For example, 1 year in the human world is equal to 1 thousand years in the Celestial realm.

Quite surprising am I right? But hey that's our world! Everything is neutral and well... better than in the past!... At least...




Reincarnated yet again! But as Ink sans?Where stories live. Discover now