What happened?...

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That wasn't a dream at all. I thought to myself as I looked at the place I was in… I know this place like I know my home… but… it was more… incredible than what was shown in the comics!

The color of white fading to yellow was almost enchanting as white specks of dust scattered around the yellow parts. At the same time, floating islands with their own uniqueness floated in front of me.

I was on one of the larger islands, an island with a large cherry tree on the side and a lake in the middle. Fallen petals that fell in the lake were scattered forming into groups making the lake look even more beautiful.

With its enchanting clear blue waters, white pebbles with some rare colored ones inside, and the green grass around it I felt mesmerized and calm from its beauty. But what I first wondered was… Why was I under the water naked?... ಠ‸ಠ 

Yes. I first woke up under the water with my body aching. I thought I was going to drown until I noticed I was a skeleton and remembered: "Skeletons can breathe underwater since they're dead right?"

When I got out of the water I noticed some neatly folded clothes and some kind of elixir that was empty below the cherry tree… It looked weird but I didn't mind it and just got dressed.

After that, it was when I noticed the place looked almost familiar… too familiar.

And here I am now. Dressed and was reborn as Ink!Sans the creator and protector.

What am I supposed to do? I have no idea what kind of Multiverse this is and what kind of version this Ink is! Unless I have a-

Hey, the fuck do you think you're doing?

Quit lazing around you peace of shit! and do your job already!!

Yeah, you still have AUs to make!

The destroyer will destroy again and if you don't hurry you'll lose another AU!

And if you won't start moving again, you'll regret it you piece of shit~

Never mind. I have a few guesses but I'm not quite sure. All I know is that I am in a fgoc Multiverse. There could be more… Maybe there are other clues than these voices?

I sighed as I looked around then noticed Broomie whose brush was poking behind the cherry tree. I hummed and took them examining the normal-looking brush.

Wonder if I could put some initials on this brush… Well, this is mine now but… I wonder what happened to the previous Ink… My mind wandered around when I remembered, the elixir!

I glanced at the empty bottle in worry, now that I think about it my body was aching when I woke up… I thought, looking at my arms and investigating my suspicions.

And I was correct, deep and almost healed cut marks were seen four seemed to be done not so long ago… and some bruises here and there... I didn't notice beforehand since I was too focused to get dressed and to check my surroundings…

I frowned at the marks, sliding my other hand at the freshly new ones. A memory of my first life came back…

A memory that stuck with me…

I was young back then, I didn't know much but I wasn't stupid when it came to injuries…

One of my older brothers came back from his third life, wanting to have a break… I heard it… and we felt it…

His broken sobs inside his room, while I was outside listening. I wanted to play with him but his sobs kept me from entering.

I remembered Aunt Angeline holding my shoulders as she assured me to go and play with someone else for now… I was so confused that I asked her…

"Why was big brother crying?..."

She was silent until she spoke…

"Because he lost someone dearly…"

Her saddened gaze and the broken sobs were… almost suffocating.

Not long after, I learned that it wouldn't be easy to leave the 2nd life that was given to you. Especially when you had left your loved ones in that life… Or you still hated someone… It wasn't easy to move on…

And then… I saw it… It was in the middle of the night, I couldn't sleep since I was worrying about my brother. I got out of bed and walked toward my brother's bedroom.

I noticed a small dim of light was still on, I called out to him but no response. I knocked, but still no response, so I opened the door…

I saw him… his head down on his study table, I nudged him trying to wake him up. When he fell from his seat, that's when I noticed the blood.

I was shocked, crying as I tried to wake him up. I didn't know about death, honestly, I didn't even know that we can even die since we were immortal!

My emotions were so strong that the whole castle would have felt my panic and fear. Not too long 2 of my siblings arrived, the other taking me away to find help while the other tried to save my brother.

He was so close to leaving that night, that if it weren't for my younger self getting so worried… he would… have died from cutting his wrist with a blade that could kill us Celestials.

Ink must have gotten the worst treatment possible that he would even do this… I thought as I gritted my teeth in anger.

I shook my head as my attention went toward the bottle. I didn't hesitate to check the stats when I took it.

And when I read it, I was shocked! It was poison… from my home?... This doesn't make sense! How could Ink have gotten hold of this poison!?

Genesis: Hey, voices. Can I ask you something?

Make it quick, you still have work to do.

Genesis: Do you perhaps know where In- I have gotten this elixir?

I almost forgot that I was Ink. Really need to be careful…

Tch! Of course, you would forget you forgetful fool! jeez, how much useless can you get huh?

You got it from the demon, well it said it was a demon. A demon somewhere far and something that wasn't supposed to belong here.

I hummed as I thanked them, almost making them go quiet. Deciding I needed more information I got off the island I was on by jumping down 

Good thing it wasn't a far way down, else I could've suffered a few broken bones. Then I started to give myself a tour of this place by walking around.

My main goal is to find the AU's, they're around here somewhere.



Reincarnated yet again! But as Ink sans?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن