Where is she!

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Me and mikayla had gotten pretty close. She was like a bestfriend to me. Somehow she reminded me of ria. Maybe that's why I like her. I used to hate her thinking that she was trying to replace her. The lads were out on a drive around the city since Roman was now dead and Tom now didn't have to hide as much anymore.

"Hey mikayla. Get ready we're going shopping"
"I don't know Taylor you know what will happen if Tom and bill come back and we aren't here"
"Ugh don't worry I've got it sorted, plus don't you wanna have some fun at least?"
"Fine I'll meet you out in the car"

Me and mikayla both run upstairs and put on our best most revealing outfits. I quite like this style. Now I see why all the sluts Tom brought back wear these type of clothes on a daily.

I hope we get back before Tom and bill. I had to tell mikayla I had it all sorted when I really didn't. I just didn't want her to freak. We were driving down to the mall with our music blasting and singing away. I heard his car. Toms car speeds past us. "Oh shit" I start driving faster to get us away. We reach the mall and I grabbed mikayla a arm dragging her through into a clothing store. My heart was racing. I was trying to stay calm. If he finds me and mikayla it would be all my fault. And god knows what would happen later. Bill would beat mikayla for disobeying him and Tom.  And Tom would most likely do the same to me. And it would be all my fault.

We hid away for a while. Turns out they didn't even recognise us and didn't come following us. I could finally breathe properly. I felt as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. We carried on shopping until our arms were hurting. I went to get one last cute top but as I was about to pay for it, I heard his voice right next to me.
"I'll pay for this one"
Fuck what was I going to do. Why did he just do that?
"Your coming home. Now"
"Why? All of a sudden it feels like your trying to hide me away from the world. What's gotten into you Tom"
"Just get in the fucking car Taylor"

I saw mikayla look at me with a sad look in her eye as bill grabbed her arm leading her to the car. As we started driving it was so quiet. Non of us were making conversation.
"Why are you acting like such a dick. I thought you had changed Tom. You were nice to me before everything that happened."
"Taylor don't!" Bill spoke up
"No I wanna know why!"
"Ffs Taylor. When I heard that you had supposedly died I lost my fucking mind. I didn't sleep for days on end. I tortured innocent people to get information on where kristina was because I wanted to fucking kill her! I pulled the trigger that night. Who knows what would've happened if the police didn't stop me"

Bill then said "luckily I know what my brother is like when he's at his low. So I took all the bullets out of his gun so he wouldn't do anything stupid"

"I fucking missed you Taylor. I don't know why. You have some part of me that wants to protect you at all times. But when I heard you died, I couldn't fucking do that and it tore me apart bit by bit. It made me realise all the pain and abuse I've put you through. And it was all my fault"

"I love you Tom" I said with tears running down my cheeks...


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