Forgive and forget

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(Please listen to suggested song to read with)

He was finished. My mind was flooded with thoughts and feelings. My cheeks soaked with tears. He didn't care. Not one bit. His face was ice Cold as if he couldn't care about anyone right now. How can he be so fucking selfish and so self-centred.

He pulled his baggy jeans back up as he started to slowly dress himself. I just sat there still looking at the ceiling. He walked away shaking his head as if he was fighting himself. My whole body was shaking as it felt like he broke my body in half. I could help but let out a whisper "Tom..."

I didn't think he would hear me but he clearly understood me very well. He turned his head back to me as we met each others glance. His eyes looked full of regret. He stepped closer to me step by step. My heart was banging out of my chest fearing him. He looked at me softly. He suddenly picked me up gently carrying me as he knew I wouldn't be able to walk. His eyes met mine.

We went downstairs as he placed me onto the couch. Bill looked at me and instantly knew what had happened. I could see him slightly shaking his head and looking up at tom. Tom didn't care what his brother thought. "Are you okay darling" I heard bill say. "Yeah I will be"

I couldn't bare to see toms face. He left to go into the kitchen probably to pour himself some coffee. "Oi brother" bills raspy voice yelled which made me jump slightly. That's when Tom walked in with a cup of coffee like I had guessed. "What?" Toms said with a confused look on his face.

"We need to talk." They both left to go and talk but they went into toms secret room which I hadn't yet been in. They left the door slightly open. As I was very intrigued I tried to walk over to the door to hear what they were saying. I could walk but my legs were shaking like crazy.

"Look at this!" Bill said slightly annoyed. I saw him showing Tom something on his phone. "Fuck!" Tom yelled really loud that the whole neighbourhood would've heard it. "Why is she messaging you? I'm the one she wants!"
"I don't know tom but she's back for good this time."

I heard toms fist collide with the wall. He slammed his fist continuously into the wall as bill tried to calm him down.

My legs have way. I dropped to the floor as I heard the punching stop. Shit. Oh no. I could hear footsteps coming closer and closer to the door. Tom opened the door and looked at me on the floor. "And what to you think your doing sweetheart"

"Erm nothing I was coming to ask if you guys were hungry"

"You know when I'm in here your not to come close to this room"

"I know but I just had to"

"Well we aren't hungry right now we have bigger things to worry about than our stomachs"

Bill pushed past Tom to help me up. He walked me back into the front room on the couch. "Please do not do anything or say anything that will piss him off today" I looked at him and nodded. As bill made his way back to the room I heard toms phone buzz. I know I should read it but I had to. The temptation. It's not like I could go tell him as he would be pissed off I disobeyed him.

hey baby! I'm back. Did you miss me? Come meet me for lunch and we will have a catch up. Bet you didn't think I'd be ever messaging you again huh. Give me a call soon xoxo

Who the fuck is Lexi? Is this bitch for real. Am I jealous? No haha that would be vile. But some part of me wants him to myself but it will never be that. I decided to ignore it as their was nothing I could do anyway.

I quickly scattered to my seat as I heard the door open. Tom looked at me then grabbed his phone. I'm assuming he had read the text and walked out the door while phoning HER. Bill instantly knew who it would be. They both know her. Why don't I? I was building up the courage to ask bill who she was but that would mean he would know I snooped through toms phone.

(Opinions on this chapter?)

I'll update as soon as possible I promise I'm so sorry this has took so long I've just had no motivation at all. Tysm for all the love on this book I really appreciate it🫶🏻

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