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Third person pov


On Home School's grounds Maki, Nai, and Tibet were walking by a lake, "We're lucky enough to have an open-air like this to breath," Maki said.

"What's your name? I'm Nai," Nai said to Maki

"I'm Maki. Nice to meet you. You?"

"I'm Tibet"

"Why did you two want to study here? your Scholarship student, aren't you?"

Maki nodded, "I came because of my mom. What about you?" Tibet said

"I'm here for myself. I lived at an orphanage. There's no chance for me to study at any good school. I think this school can pave the way for me," Maki said

"Here? Don't you think this place is weird? It's full of weird rules. No school course out there involve getting students drugged," Nai said

"But what's stranger than this place is your family. They knew fully well what you would be facing here, but they still tried to pass the exam, to let you study here," Maki said.

(All Home School's GEN6 students, please gather in the meeting room now.) (All Home School's GEN6  students, please gather in the meeting room now.) They all started going to the meeting room. When they got there only saw Biw, Pheng, and Pennhung. "What? Where are the others? Where have they been to," Tibet said.

"Pennhung saw them escape. Do we call this skipping school," Pennhung said.

"Escaping? But it's the forest outside," Maki said.

"True. They already warned us that it's dangerous, didn't they," Nai said

"You're right. Do you think they're alright now? I think this forest is so frightening," Pheng said and Biw nodded. Then Master Yani entered the room, and they became quiet.

"I have an important matter to inform you of. Your friends escaped from Home School. This is against our rule 5, so all of you must take responsibility," Master Yani said. "How do we take responsibility?"

"You must search for them and bring them back to Home School," Master Yani said.

"Pardon? Why do we have to search for them? It's the duty of the Masters, isn't it?"

"We've just moved here. We aren't familiar with the route. If we search for them in the forest, we might get lost too," Tibet said.

"Master, you told us yourself that the forest is dangerous, didn't you? Why are you making us go there? We aren't even the ones trying to escape."

"It's because it's your responsibility. According to rule 6, every student must be responsible for each other's life. As GEN6 students, all of you are friends with each other."


Paris POV

"How many hours have we been walking?" Hugo said

"I don't know but it seems like a long time" I said behind Hugo and in-front of Jean

"It has been ages hasn't it," Jean said

"When can we get out of this forest?"

"Hey guys. Can we take some rest? I can't go on anymore," Jingjai said "Yeah my feet hurt. Can we rest just a bit. Please," I said.

"Right. Let's take some rest now."

"Will you guys rest to let Masters find you here, huh?" Hugo said. I glared at him.

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