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Paris POV


"Hugo. Jingjai. Can you hear me? Hugo. Jingjai." Maki said.

"I just don't understand. Why aren't Masters helping us search for them? How could they let us do this on our own in the forest?" White said and I nodded.

"Head Master mentions that, according to rule 6, every student must be responsible for each other's life." Pennhung said.

"What stupid rules they have," I said and looked to Tibet who was standing beside me already looking at me. "What. It's true." I said and he chuckled and smiled. I felt something in my stomach and looked down while smiling.

"But that shouldn't be the reason they forced responsibility on us. right?" White said. Then Maki and I heard something and turned around.

"Guys, do you feel something?" Maki said and I nodded. "Yeah, It feels weird."

"What is it?" Tibet said

"I feel someone has been following us." Maki said. "A ghost? Or a tiger?"

Pennhung ran to Tibet. "Tibet" Pennhung said holding onto Tibet. "I think it's someone." I looked around trying to see if I saw anyone. "Someone?"

"But there is nothing around." Tibet said and I nodded.


Third persons Pov

Hugo, Jean, and Jingjai were walking with Hugo and Jean in the front and Jingjai in the back. "Why are they walking fast? Ow!"

"Why did you scream? You scared me," Jean said.

"I shouldn't have come with you guys. I should have returned to Home School with white."

"Hey, it's your decision, isn't it?" Jean said annoyed with the girl.

"Who would have thought men like you would suck at this?"

"What could a woman like you do then apart from complaining?" Jean said and Jingjai shoved him back.

"What's your problem with me complaining, huh? Why?"

"Hey. Hey, enough."

"Look at her."

"Asshole, I said stop." Hugo said and Jean backed off while Jingjai and Hugo looked at each other.

"Hmm. Do you smell something?" Hugo said with a disgusted look on his face.

"What smell?" Jean said while Hugo walked forward. "Ew" Hugo said waving his hand in front of him to block out the smell. "Shit" Hugo said and Jingjai screamed. "Ahhhhhh!" they heard "Hey, run" and ran.

Jingjai turned to run but fell, "Ouch! Ouch! Wait for me. Hey!" she screamed but they just left her there.


Third person POV

"White!" Biw said.

"Biw, I can't do this anymore."

"Let's take some rest."

"Sit here, Pheng. Take some rest. How could this Masters leave us in the forest like this? Aren't they worried about us at all?"

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