Chapter 4: Mysterious Myat

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The Friend Group gathered in Nova's living room. The atmosphere was heavy with grief and suspicion, as they began to discuss their suspicions about Myat.

Harry, his voice cracking with anger, broke the silence. "EVERYONE!", Tell where you were during recess."

StayC nodded in agreement, her eyes filled with tears. "I was with Harry, Taking Photos as usual.But I have a suspicion on Myat. Myat always seemed distant and secretive lately."

Maya, normally calm and  said. "I also agree. You all might say it's childish but, I also think it's Myat. Because of what happened in The series called 'Duty after school', The nerd went crazy and killed everyone"

Nova, her determination still shining through, spoke up. "I understand the need for evidence, but we can't ignore our instincts. I saw Myat talking to Jackson at the bathroom door before his death."

A heated debate with arguments flying back and forth.They were convinced of their guilt. The room grew tense as accusations were thrown around.

Suddenly Ashan screamed very loud and ran to attack Myat, "YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE",said she. Everyone pulled them apart and calmed down.
As the friends began to calm down and organize their thoughts, they divided their tasks. Harry and StayC would dig deeper into Myat's recent activities and try to find any suspicious connections. Maya would gather information from teachers and staff, while Nova would focus on speaking with Jackson's family.

Little did they know, their journey was far from answered, and the darkest secrets were yet to be revealed.

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