Ch.2 Altercation at the Auspicious Auction

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3rd Pov

After Raiden's and Blake's recent discovery, we're standing on the cliff, overlooking the fairy world.

Owen: "Let me get this straight. You two think we're in some kiddy book we all read when we were younger?"

Raiden nodded nervously, and he looks over at the area full of giant candy and frosting.

Owen: "Okay, I give up."

Ruby: "I know this place is weird, but a fairytale? That's impossible,"

Little nods, agreeing with her while we look at her, Blake pointing at the little rodent.

Josh: "Ruby, you have a talking mouse on your shoulder."

Ruby sweat drops.

Razor: "I think we might be in a fairytale..."

Weiss: "What we've seen is improbable. It doesn't mean what we're seeing is an actual fairytale. Are we seriously entertaining this?"

Cyra: "Well... you have any better idea, Weiss? Besides, we know magic exists. Raiden's grandfather and father could use magic."

Weiss: "Come on now. Let's try to be more logical. We all fell from the sky. Ruby made friends with a talking mouse"

Little cheers, making Ruby smile.

Little: "Friends!"

Weiss: "Blake and I got caught in killer vines. Owen tried to stop Raiden from eating cheese out of the ground."

Raiden: "Hey, I was hungry! Stomach pain beats starving to death!"

Owen: "Yeah, yeah... whatever."

Weiss: "And both Yang and Josh got their weapons stolen by a... what was it you two said it was?"

Yang: "A talking raccoon riding on a purple wagon filled with trash."

Josh: "Talking trash panda riding a wagon full of junk."

Weiss' logical arguments go down the ditch.

Weiss: "Right... that. I see your point of view now. I'm just going to go over there for a moment,"

Weiss walks away and then starts muttering to herself about the purple wagon and the trash panda. Josh leans in next to Raiden.

Josh: "Is your girlfriend okay?"

Raiden: "No. I'm pretty sure she's broken now."

They look at Weiss, who now has probably a mental breakdown.

Ruby: "As crazy as it sounds... this place feels... familiar."

Blake: "The Girl Who Fell Through The World. I think we're in the Ever After"

Raiden: "My first thought exactly. We're unfortunately stuck in a fairytale story for kids."

Weiss: "But that's impossible. That story was make-believe. Nothing in it was real."

Little: "It's not make-believe. It's where I live."

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