Ch.8 Tea Amidst Terrible Trouble

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3rd Pov

Ruby runs through the forest. She keeps going and going, as far away from her friends as she can, stopping under a tree after running out of breath. She sits down and hugs her legs, feeling sorry for herself.

Little: "Ruby? Ruby?"

The mouse pops out of her hood, making Ruby slowly raise her head.

Little: "What are you doing? Why did you shout at the others like that?"

Ruby: "Where... am I?"

Little: "It's okay! I can guide us back. You shouldn't run off though. You all need to stick together if you wanna go home."

It didn't help Ruby's sorrowful mood.

Ruby: "Why are you still here?"

Little: "Uh... what? I promised."

Ruby: "I promised to serve Atlas as a Huntress... That I'd keep people safe... That I'd be there for my friends..."

Little: "But, we can go back and--"

Ruby cuts Little off.

Ruby: "No!"

She stands up, forcing Little off her knee.

Ruby: "You don't know what I've done. What I couldn't do! I can't do this! (punches the tree trunk) I could never do this... If you stay with me, you're going to end up dead too... Just. Go. Home..."

Little: "But you're--"

Ruby: "I said GO!"

Little yelps and quickly crawls away from Ruby. Little watches Ruby marches away, their ears flop down in sadness.

Meanwhile with Razor

Razor: "Ruby!? Ruby!?

Razor looked around as he starts to panic.

Razor: "Please be safe..."

Razor saw in the distance a manor he slowly started walking towards it hoping Ruby was there.

Back with Ruby

Ruby walks through the forest. It begins to darken around her as she continues to walk. A glowing blue butterfly flutters past Ruby. As Ruby continues walking, a spotlight appears above her. Each spotlight shows Ruby walking slowly and much slower than the first two. She crosses the bridge between the Origami Acre and the Dark Acre. She arrives at a pink-coloured extravagant manor. Everything goes dark. Walking up to the picture, she sees it shows a family with a man, a woman, and a little girl. Another portrait shows Neo's back as she walks toward Cinder Fall, standing beside a throne. The third portrait shows the legs of the man and woman from the first picture, with Neo and Roman Torchwick standing above them.

Ruby: "What... What is this?"

By surprise, Roman from the photo looks back at her.

Roman: "Hello, Red"

Ruby freaks out as she draws her scythe.

Roman: "It's been a while, hasn't it? How's the hero business treating you? I gotta say, not looking too good."

Ruby: "Where's Ne0?"

Roman scoffs.

Roman: "Yeesh, no manners. And after everyone came out to see you! (echoes)"

The lights come on in the manor, and Ruby looks back. To her shock and horror, she sees James Ironwood, Professor Ozpin, Professor Lionheart, Clover from the Ace Ops, Pyrrha Nikos, Penny Polendina, and Brisa Lycandra sitting at a table. All friends or friends who became enemies. And the one thing they all had in common: they were all dead. They all wave and give their greetings to her, but she doesn't feel happy to see them at all.

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