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Volvamos al Principio

I could see in the distance,
the man who was supposed
to be my husband with a
a woman whom I thought
was my friend

but rather she was a criminal.

How dare they betray me?

If only he had listened to me,
he wouldn't have been blinded
by her poison.

I could save him from her,

I could save his father from
the hands of death.

But now, all I can see is darkness.

I was tortured to death.

I was chained by a crime I didn't commit.

I never thought that I would
experience and feel the pain of the people who had been beaten, accused, and imprisoned for a crime they did not commit.

This is what the powerful person can do when they have enough money to pay for their good reputation.

The corruption of the people in the government and blind justice for all victims were ruling over the country because of money.

My body was so weak as I stared at the man who placed me in a death chair.

All I could hear was the sound of a ticking clock as the pain enveloped my body.

The chain tightens all over my body.

I was gasping for air as I hurried up to sit.

My eyes roamed around as I realized I was in my room and when I caught my reflection on a mirror stand, I ran over there while rubbing my eyes as I checked my appearance.

I thought I was dead.

All I can see is my younger self with my red gown dress.

I really went back in the past as I saw the calendar on my wall.

Today, I will be 18.

I laugh as I remember how excited I was to see my first love and agreed with the thought that our parents had decided to arrange a marriage after he proposed to me.

What a desperate man, he could do whatever his parents wanted just to inherit their business, just to satisfy himself and who am I in his life?

A props to fulfill his plan?

How stupid I am for falling in love with a man who was just acting all the way long.

And I know this time, I won’t let the pain, betrayal, and death reign in my life again.

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