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As I looked in the mirror, I saw my natural beauty.

How beautiful I look when I'm in front of it but how asymmetrical my face looks when it's captured in the back cam?

Have you felt this way?

You're worried about how others will see you.

Hearing someone say, "You must lose weight or gain some weight."

How do you feel about your body?

We can see people around us or even on the internet, they believe that having curvy hips, big boobs and booty will make you more beautiful. But this is just an idealized body in today's society.

There are different types of beauty we see and it's our different ways on how we embrace ourselves. Being yourself.

You should be proud of your body even if you're voluptuous.

You are perfect in how you see yourself.

People are not your reflection. You shouldn't be affected by how they will see you or what they will say.

Love yourself even more.

Let yourself take care of your well-being.

Beauty will just fade but accepting your body and how you look without minding what others will say is also accepting His creation.

So, enjoy and have a healthy lifestyle.

You shouldn't be worried if you have a flat nose, or big eyes.

You are beautiful.

We are all born beautiful.


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