Asembly at the royal capital

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"Ahh~ wow this is awesome!" Asta yelled excitedly as they reached the nobles realm "good to see that your excited but please tone down the excitement from a 10 to a 2" Iris said "exactly your embarrassing us right now" Noelle said as he continued yelling.

"Why if it isn't the members of the golden dawn hello there" Asta called out as the group stopped to greet them "hey we haven't seen you since the dungeon Asta, I assume you've come to make your report too?" Klaus asked placing his hand on his shoulder "it's a bit odd that they're asking for a report a week after the incident, hey Yuno" Iris said her eyes and ears diverting from the conversation.

"Knights headquarters had to be just through here" Klaus said as they reached a building "guess there's something even you don't know huh four eyes" Asta said "even we four eyes can't know everything" Klaus said 'it's the fact that he accepted the nickname' Iris thought sweat dropping as a figure appeared in front of them "no is that really, I didn't think you'd greet us personally sir" Klaus said bowing as he Noelle and Mimosa did the same "he's flashy who do you think this guy is?" Asta asked "the wizard king Julius Novachrono" iris said shocking Asta.

"If you know then show your respect!" Klaus said forcing Asta to bow "I bow to no one" Iris said turning her head to the side so she could avoid Klaus yelling "it is alright, come with me" Julius said laughing as he led them to a tower. "I'm pleased you were able to obtain this, this magic is very powerful it could easily be that dungeon greatest relic" Julius said reading the spell Yuno acquired "you can read it sir?" Yuno asked "a little of it" Julius said before his eyes twinkled "what do you say, would you cast this spell pretty please I'd like to see it" he pleaded walking to Yuno 'he looks like a child asking for a toy' Iris said smiling nervously.

"Sylph spirit of wind one of the four major elements" Julius said after Yuno denied he could use the magic "when you say element I'm sure your referring to water, fire, earth and air" Iris asked "mhm" Julius said "what about a light spirit?" She asked "...never heard of it do you know it?" Julius asked his eyes twinkling in delight "you could say that" she said smiling mischievously 'she reminds me a lot of Irene, that scary smile and that wondering look in her eyes" Julius thought noticing iris staring off into space "is something wrong?" She asked.

"You remind me a lot of someone that's dear to me" he said taking a deep breath "is it lady Irene?" Klaus asked "...yea, she was pregnant when she went missing 25 years ago" he said as they all went silent "wizard king sir some weird writing showed up in my grimoire too take a look sir!" Astra said opening his grimoire "can't you read the room?" Noelle asked "hmm, this looks like something I can't read" Julius said disappointing Asta "and this comes out of it! What do you think sir!" Asta asked taking out a sword.

"Oh a second anti-magic sword that's excellent" Julius said filling Asta with pride "the power of anti magic may I, do you think I can hold it?" He asked his eyes twinkling "go for it" Asta permitted handing him the sword only. "Anyway well done you did a marvelous job out there much appreciated" Julius said "ah u-u-uhm can I maybe ask you something sir?" Asta asked "?" "I was just wondering how can I become the wizard king?" Asta and Yuno asked "there it is, was wondering when they'll ask" Iris said "you two must realize how rude it is to ask a question like that so directly, now listen the wizard king must have noble heard and have a pure heart and the trust of his people" klaus said before Julius interrupted him.

"Now I hope you're ready for something special we've gathered those knights with an exceptionally amount of stars for the distinguished service ceremony" Julius said explaining what the ceremony was about "I'm positive the black bulls aren't getting anything" Iris said "that may be so but I'd appreciate it if you all could join us for it" Julius said surprising the group.

"This distinguished service ceremony sounds nice, I wonder what it's about" Asta said as they reached the room where the ceremony was to be held "here we are" Julius said opening the door. "That was really boring" Iris said once the ceremony was over "have some class! It was beautiful!" Klaus whispered "looks good" Iris said walking towards the food table ignoring him.

"What is this!" Asta asked shoving food down his mouth "their stares don't seem to affect him" Klaus said sweat dropping "why would they, just think of them as dead fish or something no biggy, Asta eat carefully the food is barely getting in your mouth" Iris said shrugging as she grabbed Asta face and cleaned it for him "uhm excuse me I was thinking if you don't mind I'll join you" Mimosa asked nervously "huh, sure mimosa you've been eyeing this meat too huh?" Asta asked "I think she's been eyeing a different type of meat" Iris mumbled hearing the mumbles of the other squads.

"Mhm, you guys really don't pull your punches look huh oh well nothing I'm not used to" Asta said chewing "pfft, your so adorable" Iris said playing with his cheeks as the nobles began insulting each other.

"We were invited here by the wizard king so I figured you had to be pretty amazing but your just like all the rest of them!" Asta yelled stopping Noelle from leaving the hall after her siblings insulted her "Asta" Iris said "commoner, rat, Disgrace, failure, do you think I care if I fit in with you people watch because I will!" Asta said but got interrupted as a member of the golden dawn used his sand magic on him "that's enough out of you little brat, we will not be spoken like that by your kind" the man said only for him to cut the magic.

"I think we should put an end to this" Iris said interrupting the nobles from fighting each other "Iris?" Asta said as she took out her water grimoire "out of everything I hate in this world proud Nobles are at the top right below devils" Iris said "how dare you! I guess I'll have to put you in your place!" Solid Silva yelled "Iris!" Yuno yelled as Asta took out his sword "since your so adamant on wanting to put someone in their place how about I do that for you" she said shooting a water bullet at his arm "brother!" Nebra called out "please don't hurt him!" Noelle pleaded stopping her.

"Brother or not, anyone who hurts Asta will pay" she said her magic rising as her eyes glowed gold "Nozel! What are you doing?" Solid asked "enough Solid, you shouldn't be so quick to use your magic against a mere commoner and I'm disappointed that you lost to a commoner let alone a woman" Nozel said "okay, I think you need a good beating" Iris said smiling angrily "a commoner who dares to defy royalty I wonder how I should punish you two" Nozel said raising his hand up to attack as Iris did the same.

"This has gone far enough" Fuegoleon said interrupting the two "what are you thinking ganging up on a lone youth like this, where is your sense of honor and Iris put your grimoire away" Fuegoleon commanded "I'm sorry?" she said glaring at him as a boy bursted out laughing. "I said put your grimoire away" Fuegoleon said causing the room to go quiet "don't test me sir" Iris said irking him.

"I can't believe a noble like yourself is talking to a commoner with such respect, how low the house vermilion has gotten" Nozel said "what did you say?" Fuegoleon asked "stay out of this please" iris suggested "shut up insect" Nozel said glaring at her "apologies to her" Fuegoleon said his aura increasing "for a so called noble you are quite rude, aren't you?" Iris asked her own aura increasing and so did Nozel causing the glass window to slightly crack "wow amazing" Asta said "I can't believe Iris is holding her own with those two, she's really strong" Noelle said trembling at the energy she's feeling before the earth trembled.

"Terrible news!" A mage said running into the room interrupting the squads "what is it?" Fuegoleon asked "sir the royal capital it's under attack" the man said "what do you mean the royal capital is under attack?" He asked before a golden dawn member created a stone image of what was happening in the city "hey question" Iris said noticing something on the map "what is it?" Yuno asked after Asta and Leopold ran out "why isn't this place being attacked? It's in the middle of these two places that are being attacked" iris asked.

"Why would you wish for that place to be attacked?" Alecdora Sandler asked angrily "she has a point, that place should be the most heavily attacked" Fuegoleon said placing his hand on his chin thinking "isn't that the place where Shira gave us an address to get your armor forged?" Aura asked revealing herself "...MY GRIMOIRE IS THERE!" iris yelled running towards the window "wait it's dangerous!" Fuegoleon warned "he's right wait!" Yuno called out "send someone to me" she said jumping out the window and successfully landing on her broom "Nozel go after her and make sure she doesn't get hurt" Fuegoleon instructed before dividing orders to the group.

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