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Chapter 5: A Pact of Support

Evelyn found herself in a quiet corner of the family gathering room, away from the crowd and the whirlwind of emotions. Mrs. Sinclair, still wiping away tears, approached her with a determined yet vulnerable expression on her face.

"Dr. Grant, may I have a moment with you?" Mrs. Sinclair requested, her voice tinged with both gratitude and determination.

Evelyn nodded, her eyes reflecting empathy and understanding. "Of course, Mrs. Sinclair. How can I help you?"

Mrs. Sinclair took a deep breath, steadying herself. "Firstly, I want to express my gratitude for everything you've done for Alexander. We know how fortunate we are to have a doctor like you overseeing his care."

Evelyn offered a gentle smile, appreciative of Mrs. Sinclair's acknowledgment. "Thank you, Mrs. Sinclair. It's my duty and privilege to provide the best care possible for Alexander."

Mrs. Sinclair reached out and clasped Evelyn's hands, her grip firm and determined. "Dr. Grant, I want you to know that we're in this together. I understand the dilemma you faced regarding Alexander's amnesia and the charade you've had to play along with. But now, I promise you that we will support you in any way we can to help him on his journey to recovery."

Evelyn's eyes widened slightly, surprised by Mrs. Sinclair's unwavering support. "I appreciate your understanding, Mrs. Sinclair. It means a great deal to me. My primary concern is Alexander's well-being and providing him with the best chance to regain his memories."

Mrs. Sinclair nodded, her voice filled with conviction. "We are prepared to do whatever it takes to help him, and that includes working closely with you. We have photographs, stories, and a deep knowledge of his past. Anything we can provide, any insights we can offer, we will do so willingly."

Evelyn's heart swelled with gratitude and relief. She had been carrying the weight of the charade on her shoulders, uncertain of how Alexander's family would react. But now, with Mrs. Sinclair's reassurance, she felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination.

"Thank you, Mrs. Sinclair," Evelyn said, her voice filled with sincerity. "Your support means more to me than I can express. Together, we can create an environment that fosters Alexander's memory recovery while ensuring his emotional well-being."

Mrs. Sinclair squeezed Evelyn's hands, a determined glint in her eyes. "Consider us your allies, Dr. Grant. We're here for you and for Alexander every step of the way."

Evelyn nodded, a sense of unity and shared purpose filling the air between them.

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