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Chapter 14: The Web of Deception

Evelyn found herself caught in a tangled web of deception, where the world believed she was in a relationship with Alexander. It was a burden she carried with a heavy heart, knowing that the truth would eventually have to be unveiled. As the days passed, the weight of the charade grew heavier, casting a shadow over her every interaction.

One afternoon, while Evelyn was taking a moment to collect her thoughts, her phone rang. It was her mother, whose voice carried a mixture of concern and curiosity. "Evelyn, sweetheart, I've been seeing the headlines about you and Alexander. Why didn't you tell us about him?"

Evelyn's breath caught in her throat, her mind racing for a response that would maintain the illusion a little longer. "Mom, it's complicated. We wanted to keep it private, especially with his accident and recovery. We thought it would be best to handle it quietly."

Her mother's voice softened, tinged with a hint of disappointment. "I understand, Evelyn, but your family is worried about you. We just want to be there for you, to support you in whatever you're going through."

Tears welled up in Evelyn's eyes as she struggled to keep her composure. She felt the weight of her mother's concern, the desire for honesty battling against the need to protect Alexander's fragile state.

"I appreciate your concern, Mom," Evelyn replied, her voice trembling slightly. "But right now, things are complicated. I promise I'll explain everything soon, but there are some things we need to work through first."

Her mother's voice softened, filled with a mix of understanding and unwavering love. "Alright, sweetheart. Just remember, we're here for you. Oh, and by the way, your sister's wedding is this weekend. I expect you to bring Alexander with you. It's time we meet this man who has captured your heart."

Evelyn's heart sank as she contemplated her mother's words. The upcoming wedding presented a new layer of challenges and dilemmas, where the facade would be put to the test in front of her family. She mustered up a weak smile, concealing her true emotions.

"Of course, Mom. I'll talk to Alexander and let you know," Evelyn replied, her voice tinged with a mix of apprehension and determination. She knew that facing her family with the truth was inevitable, but for now, she had to buy a little more time.

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