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Chapter 6: Confronting the Request

Evelyn stormed into the office of Dr. Peterson, the head of the hospital, her frustration bubbling beneath the surface. She had just learned that Alexander had requested her to be his personal nurse, a request that left her seething with anger.

Dr. Peterson glanced up from his paperwork, sensing the intensity in Evelyn's demeanor. "Dr. Grant, please have a seat. What can I do for you?"

Evelyn took a deep breath, trying to compose herself before speaking. "I just discovered that Alexander requested me to be his personal nurse. I find it completely inappropriate and unprofessional."

Dr. Peterson leaned back in his chair, a faint smile playing on his lips. "I understand your concerns, Dr. Grant. However, we must consider Alexander's fragile mental state and his attachment to you. It may be beneficial for his recovery if you continue to play along."

Evelyn's eyes narrowed, her voice laced with controlled anger. "Playing along only enables his delusions. It's not in his best interest, nor is it ethical. We should be focused on providing him with the appropriate care and therapy to help him regain his memories, not perpetuating a false narrative."

Dr. Peterson sighed, his tone becoming more serious. "Dr. Grant, I understand your reservations, but we must prioritize Alexander's well-being. He has shown significant progress since you began this charade, and the bond he feels with you is helping his emotional stability."

Evelyn's frustration grew, her voice firm and resolute. "His emotional stability should not be built upon lies. We need to provide him with the truth, support him through the challenges, and guide him towards recovery. I will not continue to play along with this farce."

Dr. Peterson's expression hardened, his tone firm. "Dr. Grant, I strongly advise you to reconsider your position. Your commitment to your patients is admirable, but sometimes difficult decisions must be made for their benefit."

Evelyn stood up, her voice filled with determination. "I understand that, Dr. Peterson, but compromising my professional ethics is not an option. I will not be a part of this deception any longer. It's time for us to focus on the truth and the path towards Alexander's genuine recovery."

With that, Evelyn turned on her heels and left Dr. Peterson's office, her heart heavy but her resolve unwavering.

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