1: Everything seems normal

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I sigh, clicking my pen repeatedly as I look out the window. I see many police cars rushing over to one direction. I turn to face my teacher, who was just quietly reading a book, waiting for everyone to finish their assignment. I had already finished mine, so I've got nothing else to do as of right now. I start spinning my pen out of boredom, accidentally flinging it to the person to my left.

"What the fuck.." He muttered. I look at him, quickly apologizing about it. I quickly study his features. He has his hazel eyes carefully looking at me, he has two braids, one flowing on his back and the other dangling infront of his shoulder as he rests his head on his hand. He has a deep violet, black-ish compression shirt, a chain and a black jacket, along with some black cargos. He's cute ... I quickly glance at my pen in his hand, then turn my attention back to his eyes.

"Can I have my pen back?" I whisper. He smacks his lips, handing me my pen back. He quietly remarks, but not loud enough for me to hear. I look back pat him, "Hm?" He looks at me with his eyes half open, with a slight look of confusion. He just turns back to his paper after about two seconds. I shrug, and a few moments later the bell rings. My teacher announces that she'd like everyone to turn in their papers as they walk out the door.

As I walk out, I quickly pop one earbud in, hitting the play button for my playlist. I make my way over to the lunch table next to the pillar. My cousin Dakota yells, "Hey Y/N!" As I settle down on the seat next to her, smiling. "So howss it goinngg??" I grin. "Weellll, there's this guy in my AP class, and I think he has potential," she says as she takes out her phone. I slightly jump in my chair out of excitement and curiousity,

"Ooohh, who is it??" "I don't know his name yet, but I'm pretty sure I've seen him with my friend Jeriko before," she explained as she scrolls through her instagram. I sigh, "there was this one sassy ass guy in my class earlier, he's kinda cute but he seems pretty nonchalant." She perks up at me from her phone, "who??" "I'm not sure who he is either. All I know is that he has two long braids, and has a pretty dark choice in clothing." "Mm," she hummed.

I pull out my phone to check any notifications, and I noticed that someone had followed me on instagram. @MM_42 ... huh. i try checking out their page, but they have no posts, as well as having only 3 followers. Without a thought, I just hit follow back. The bell rung once again, so I bid my farewell to my cousin and slid my phone back in my pocket, as well as my earbuds.

I made my way to my 3rd class of the day, plopping myself down on one of the seats in the middle rows, close to the back rows. I rest my head on my desk, waiting for class to start. As I am waiting, I notice that boy from earlier again. He sat to the left, but a row infront of mine. I kinda wanted to say hi, but I felt nervous that he wouldn't wanna talk to me.

A few seconds later, class begins. Our teacher does his introduction, and talks about our assignment after. "Listen up, you will need a partner for this. You guys will do a breakout room together. Solve the math problems properly to move on to the next clue. For this assignment, you don't need to escape the room to get a grade, just do the work and you'll get a free and easy 100," he elaborated, "Also, this is just review from your past math classes. You may start working."

I look around hoping to find a partner, but everyone seemed to already have one. I notice my teacher handing out packets about the breakout room, and he makes his way over to that boy with the braids. He asks him, "Do you have a partner Miles?" He shook his head no. Huh, so that's his name. Miles. My teacher perks up looking around the class,

"Does anybody not have a partner?" Miles looks around the room aswell. I sigh, slowly raising my hand. Miles notices me, then glances back at our teacher. My teacher looks at me, "Alright, come here Y/N. Miles will be your partner." I wait a second before getting up, slowly making my way over to him while running my hand through my hair to fix it. "Hey ma," Miles bluntly says. "Hey," I replied, slightly getting embarrassed.

I grabbed the first packet, reading the math problem. Simplify 2(4-y)-3(y+3)=-11 . I stand up, walking over to get a sheet of paper. I make my way back over to where I sat, which was next to Miles. I notice that Miles was just staring at me the whole time, as I sit back down on my seat and read the question again.

"It's y=2," He points out. I look at him like he was crazy, "How would you know?" I was puzzled. "Because if you distribute 2 to (4-y) and -3 to (y+3), you get -5y-1=-11. Add 1 to both sides, you get -5y=-10. Now you divide -5 on both sides again, and you get y=2," he says, while messing with the packets. I look at him in disbelief, as he glances over to my direction.

"I have no idea what the hell you just said but I'll believe you anyways," I comment. He chuckles, "It's really not that hard if you just think about it, mami." "Yeah alright.. Whatever you say..." I roll my eyes, while slightly smiling. We both move on to the next questions, laughing together here and there, eventually making it to the last one.

"Alright," I sigh. "Last one ma," he remarks, as he glances over at the question. "Hey this one's not hard, it's just graphing!" I grin. I turn to look at him, but he surprisingly had already graphed it. "Hey, I wanted to do that.." I frown, as he glances up at me. "It's okay ma you can do it next time," he leans back in his chair, putting his hands behind his head. "And when's that?" I said, glaring at him.

          "Dunno," he mumbled, "so what do you wanna do now?" he said, changing the subject. "Dunno either," I said, crossing my arms. He rocks his chair back and forth, staring at the ceiling. I just doodle on the paper I had gotten from earlier. "Whatcha doin' ma?" He stares at me, while having his chin up. "Just drawing a lil bit," I answer.

          "Mm.. You draw?" "Yeah, sometimes." A few seconds pass, "Do you draw?" I ask, turning my attention towards him. "Sure," he replied, "You got plans after school mami?" "Not really," I sigh, as I put my head down on the desk. The bell finally rung. "Wait for me after school," Miles got up from his seat, walking out with his hands in his pockets.

1285 words

Heyyyy so I guess I'm back to writing after like more than 3 years .... I hope you enjoyed this, I hope I'll actually be consistent about this ☠️ This took me a day to write, so I don't know if you should expect the same for the next chapters. Thanks for reading 😛

Do I Wanna Know ? || Prowler Miles Morales / Earth 42 Miles Morales FFWhere stories live. Discover now