3: A walk

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           I wake up, rubbing my eyes and look around. I swear I had just heard a noise. I look over to my table, searching for my phone. I eventually had found it after pushing some other stuff off of the table. 2:38am. What could possibly had made such a sound, especially this early in the morning. I felt my throat starting to get dry.

           I try to cough it off, but it didn't work. I walked out of my room, turning on the hallway lights. I make my way over to the kitchen, getting a glass of water. After filling the glass up, and drinking it, I then started to make my way back over to my room. But before I had even moved an inch, I noticed a big shadow cast over our multislide doors, about 20 ft apart from the kitchen. It led to the balcony.

           I slowly make my way over to the multislide doors, searching for anything that I could possibly find. I look around, seeing if anything is there, however nothing seems to be there. I shrug and turn around, walking back to my room. I turned off the hallway lights before flumping into my bed. I got cozy and closed my eyes, trying to go back to sleep again.


           There goes that noise again. I perk up from my bed, looking around my room. I notice a figure infront of my window, and i immediately jolt in my bed. It had purple glowing around it's white eyes, aswell as glowing purple gauntlets/claws. It looks at me, as it turns its head sideways. I panic, backing up to the wall behind me, still on my bed.

           I look around, hoping to see anything that I could possibly throw at it. Since I couldn't find anything, I look back up at it again, only to notice that it's gone. I ease down a little bit, sighing. Only to notice that the window was OPEN. I feel myself heating up and sweating, bringing my legs close to my chest, and taking one of my pillows just in case.

           I blink, and suddenly it's hovering over my bed. I try to scream, but it quickly made a move to cover my mouth. I look at it in fear, as I feel sweat rolling down from above my forehead. It tilts it's head at me again. I try to speak, but my voice was muffled from it's hand. With it's other hand, it brings one claw up to my chin.

           I feel it poking my chin, I slowly move my head up, or else it would have poked through my skin, causing me to bleed. I looked at it with my pleading eyes, trying to tell it to please let me go without actually telling it to. It seems to chuckle a bit, as we stay in that position for about a minute.

            It then puts its hand that was poking my chin to its ear, as if it's recieving orders. It quickly backs up, before running to the window to leave. Before it closes the window, it stands there for a second, pointing at me while poking the glass. I shook my head no, frightened at what it meant.

           It then took off, no longer in sight. I sigh in relief, getting myself back under my blanket. What the hell was that? I place the covers over me, along with my head, hoping it would give me a sense of safety. I then close my eyes, drifting off to sleep.


           I wake up to my alarm going off, as I groan. I swear I had just fallen asleep. My thoughts wonder off to what had happened last night, but I eventually shook it off and proceeded to head to the bathroom. I make it the bathroom, turning on the lights and taking off my clothes, walking over to the shower.

           I let the water run on my head, as the water made it's way down my body. (And blablabla whatever the hell you do in the shower I don't wanna go in detail with this one ☠️)

           I get out from the shower, getting my towel and wrapping it around me. I then grab my clothes that I took off, and walk over to my room, putting it in my basket full of dirty clothes. I walk over to my dresser, getting my clothes ready. I grab the lotion, smothering it all over my body. I then grab my clothes, and put it on.

           I wore a pair of black booty shorts, a beige skirt, and an oversized white-greyish hoodie. I proceeded to grab my hairbrush, brushing my hair and then making my way out of my room, and to the kitchen. I grab a cereal box, a bowl, and milk, as I'm too lazy to cook anything at the moment.

           After I ate, I went ahead and grabbed my bag, walking out the front door and locking it after. As I was about to go down the doorsteps, I notice Miles sitting on it. He detects my presence, looking up at me. "Hey ma," he said. "Hey.. What are you doing here?" I replied.

           "Nothing, just wanted to walk to school with you," he gets up, putting his hands in his pockets, waiting for me to get down. After I walk down, he takes his hand out of his pocket, grabbing my hand and intertwining it. "What are you doing Miles?" I looked at him, as he looked away.

           He then started to lead us to school. I ignore our hands after a few minutes, just fiddling with phone. I put my earbud in to listen to music, and music immediately started playing in my ear. It seems that it was too loud, and Miles noticed it. He took the other earbud that was dangling on me, and put it in his ear.

           I blush, looking straight forward. What is he doing to me... I immediately remember about what happened last night. I try to shrug it off, but it stuck to my head. What or who was that? I notice that we had reached the school ground, and Miles wouldn't let go of my hand.

           I look at him, and god this man actually looks so ethereal. I admire him for a few minutes, before he takes notice of it and looks at me. I immediately look away, as I can still see him looking at me through my peripheral vision. We walk into the building, as everyone watches us.

           I start to wonder what's wrong, but then I realize that he's still holding my hand. I get flustered and look down, hoping they won't realize who I am. We make it to our class, and everyone was still looking. A few people were in groups, whispering with them. I just look away, hoping to not hear any of it.

           But then...

1206 words

Hey lol you wanna find out what happens next?
well you gotta wait till TOMORROW. 😉😉🥰
sorry i uploaded kinda late today, I've been busy doing art commissions all day, as well as searching for customers.

Ok that's it bye guys have a good day 🤗

Do I Wanna Know ? || Prowler Miles Morales / Earth 42 Miles Morales FFWhere stories live. Discover now