2: He's not as bad as he seems to be

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After school, I wait about ten minutes for Miles by the benches at the front of the school. As I wait, I fidget with my phone charm, looking around for Miles. A few seconds later, I suddenly felt something touch my shoulder from behind. I jump and slightly gasp.

"Hey ma," Miles snickers. "Hey.. Where were you?" I asked. "Nothing important," he replies, "Come on." He starts walking away, as I grab my things and catch up to him. We started walking into the city, and I immediately notice how crowded it was. I get nervous and tensed up, walking a little faster to catch up with Miles. Miles looks at me, tilting his head.

"What's wrong ma?" He asked, while landing his hand on my shoulder. I faintly flinched, and proceeded to say "Nothing, Miles," as I look at him, then look forward as to where I was walking. He grabs my arm, then intertwines it with his other hand. I blush at his actions, but he doesn't seem to notice and continued to walk to wherever he was taking me.

We make it to a subway station, then jump into the tracks, walking to a room with a tall chained fence. Miles swiftly leaps over the fence, using one hand to push his weight over. He dusts his hands off, before looking over at my way. "Come on ma," he spoke, "You got it." I scan the tall chained fence, before trying to jump over it. I got stuck at the top, and I panicked, not wanting to jump down.

"Miles, help!" I screamed. "I got you mamas, come down." He said, holding his arms open to catch me. I slowly put my other leg over the fence, then jump off, almost tripping, but Miles had catched me before I could. His hands wrapped around my waist, supporting me. He chuckles, "You okay?" I blush at how close our faces were, and mutter,

"Yeah..." While looking away. He lets go of me, as I stand up straight. He starts to walk away again, making his way into a room with a bright light. I quickly jog over to him, scared that something might happen. When I entered the room, I looked around, as I noticed Miles was looking at me, with his lips slightly curved up. The walls were covered with bright and colorful graffiti.

"You like it?" He asked, while grabbing a spray paint can, shaking it. "I love it, I didn't know a place like this existed," I say, still scanning the art on the walls. I hear Miles spraying on the wall that had the light facing towards it, writing his tag and a few patterns. "Is this what you meant when you said you drew?" I walk over behind him.

"Yeah, nothing big. I just kill time here." He replies with a low voice. "Mm," I hum. He leans on one of the boxes, with his hands behind him to support. He then looks over to me, "You wanna try?"
"Sure," I said, moving forward to grab a can. I shake it up, spraying my name below his, drawing stars after. "You're a natural," he said, watching me carefully. "Thanks," I giggle.

           "Wanna get outta here?" He gets up, putting his hands in his pockets. "Where to?" I look at him over my shoulder. "You'll see," he walks out, jumping over the fence again. I follow him, still kinda struggling to get over the fence. He quickly reaches out for me, incase I fell. He smugs, "See, you've got it ma." I blush, quickly fixing myself and moving forward.

           He snickers, as he walks towards me, holding my hand again. I stare at him while we walk out together, admiring his face. He looks over to me, noticing. "You like what you see mami?" My knees never felt so weak before. I look away quickly, quietly mutting "yeah.." He smirks, holding my hand tighter. We walk around for about twelve minutes, before walking to fire escape stairs.

           He hops on the ladder, lifting himself up. He looks down at me, then lends me his hand. I follow, jumping and quickly reaching onto the ladder, before grabbing his hand. He pulls me up, and holds onto my waist again. I look away, embarrassed by this, but his raises his hand to my chin to turn it, making me face him.

           "What's wrong mami?" He smirks, holding me closer. I blush, softly pushing him away. He stares at me, still smirking, before making his way up the stairs. I rush to catch up to him, and after about 3 minutes we reach the rooftop. He walks over to the edge, slowly sitting on it. I make my way over behind him again, a little frightened to sit next to him. I was afraid of heights.

           He watches me, as I slightly tremble, not wanting to get anywhere closer to the edge. "Come here, you'll be fine." He said, reassuringly, "I got you ma." I get closer to the ground, slowly making my way over to him. My palms were sweating, I was still too nervous about sitting there. I don't trust heights at all. He grabs onto my arm, helping me sit down.

           "Like I've been saying, it's not that bad," he said, massaging my thigh. I look at his hand being on my thigh, then look over to him, seeing him tilting his head at me. I look back down, noticing how high up we were. My heart skipped a beat. I start breathing a little faster. Next thing I know, Miles holds my hand, gripping on it tightly.

           He looks at me with his eyebrows furrowed, as if he was worried about me. I hold his hand with both my hands, "I'm okay, it's fine," I reassure him. We sit there for about a couple minutes, just enjoying each other's company. I observed the city, watching police cars drive fastly again. There were loud cars everywhere, aswell as everyone trying to get to their destination. I look back at Miles, only to see him looking at me already.

           "You like it?" He asks, still holding my hand. "Mhm," I respond, "You never fail to amaze me." He smiles, looking back down at the view. I notice the sun starting to set, I back up from the edge and slowly get up. Miles follows me, "Where you going?" "I gotta go home, Miles," I say, dusting myself off. Miles walks past me, hands in his pockets. He waits for me at the stairs, letting me go down first.

           He guides me down, and once we make it to the last platform, he jumps down first, then reaches his arms out to me again, waiting for me to come down. I jump, still getting used to it without stumbling. He ruffles my hair, "So where do you live mami?" I point over to the direction, then fix my hair. He chuckles, as we start walking over to my house.

           It was quiet on the way home, neither of us bothered to bring anything up to talk about. Once I reached my doorsteps, I bid my goodbye to Miles, as he kisses me cheek. I tense up, as I feel the blood rushing to me cheeks. I quickly rush to get in my house, before anything else could happen. Oh my gosh. This boy has me on a chokehold.

           "Welcome back princesa," my mom enters the room, looking at me. "Thank you mom," I said as I hug her, walking over to my room afterwards. I then close the door. What just happened... Was that even real? I flop on my bed, rolling all over it while kicking my feet. Who does he think he is to be doing this to me..

1343 words

Aaaaaannd cut !
Thanks for reading this again lmao 😭 I hope this one was atleast okay, also if you guys want to, check out my lil e42 miles playlist :3 vv

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