twenty-three | bella is amazing

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josie lafferty - josie lafferty
malorie wren - malorie wren

josie lafferty
what the fuck do you think you're doing

malorie wren
oh hey josie!
what ever could you mean

we're done
im with bella
i love bella
i hate you

you used to love me
im not sure that you ever stopped

i stopped as soon as i found out you cheated on me

mistakes happen josie
similar to how you mistakenly started dating bella

so going back to la and sleeping with jojo was a mistake everytime it happened?
yeah sure

thats all in the past babe
give me a second chance and i promise ill treat you right

why would i give a second chance to someone who forced me to do shit i didnt want to and then still be a complete whore

i never forced you to do shit-
there was always consent

forced consent isnt consent
saying no isnt consent

you never said no but whatever makes you feel better about yourself

can you just please stay out of my life
im happy and i dont need you around

but dont come crawling back once you figure out bella isnt good enough for you

that wont be difficult bevause it wont happen

bye josie

josie | @josephinelafferty
i really hate dumb bitches
user | @user1
period queen

user | @user2
did bella do something????
josie | @josephinelafferty
ah no! bella is amazing <3

josie | @josephinelafferty
eating ice cream at 4am with the loml is a whole new level of being young and in love

josie | @josephinelafferty
playing me a song :')

user | @user3
where do i get a bella??
josie |@josephinelafferty
they were a stray

josie | @josephinelafferty
gonna tell the grandkids about today

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