New adventure

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(A/N: Quick note, if you haven't seen the show, you'll be lost.)
A new day has arrived for the residents of Los Vista, the people and mutes all getting up and getting their day started. Same goes for a certain girl. "Kipo come on! Your going to be late for your interview." Kipo get up and wipes the drool from her mouth and still half asleep, gets into the shower, afterwards brushing her teeth and brushes her hair and soon gets dressed. Kipo rushes downstairs grabbing her coat and grabbing a quick piece of toast on the way down, her father, Leo, looks at her. "Kipo how many times do I have to tell you, I'm not always going to be around to be your alarm clock, you really need to replace the dang thing." Kipo's mother, Song, giggles. "He's right, Kipo." Kipo gives an awkward smile, she grabs her toast and quickly eats it. "I know, I know I'll get to it as soon as I get home." With that, Kipo rushes out the door and is already halfway down the street. Leo shakes his head and sighs. "What are we going to do with her?" Leo asks. Song gets up and kisses his cheek. "Love the little girl we brought into the world." Song answers. Leo wraps his arm around her waist and holds her close, chuckling.

The street is Lively with many different species wandering around, the scooter skunks making their way through town on their motorized scooters, they wave to Kipo as they drive by giving Bright Smiles and releasing their foul stench as they drive by. Kipo plugs her nose and waves back at them as they drive by. She continues running down the street enjoying everything there is to enjoy about Las Vistas, from the giant mega bunny bus driven by her friend, Jamach, the ex-mob Frog. While running and enjoying the site a large explosion catches her off guard, turning she can see a large construction site being done with some humming bombers, the humming bombers have made quite the name for themselves as they've devoted their explosive nectar toward demolition purposes more than destruction. The crew waves to Kipo as she runs by and she returns the gesture kindheartedly. Kipo, still running, ends up at a roadblock, apparently traffic has blocked up the roads and it's making it hard for Kipo to Cross. So being what she is, she just transforms into the mega jaguar and jumps over it then continues on, changing back into her normal form and running by her friend Benson as he continues to work at his restaurant that is just now opening. "Hey Kipo, morning, on your way to your little interview?" Kipo quickly runs to him and leans against the counter. "Yeah I totally forgot about that this morning, I mean it's kind of exciting isn't it?" Benson nods in understanding. "Well I don't want to keep you, here take a biscuit, on the house." Kipo quickly takes the biscuit and thanks her friend before running off.

Kipo, quickly finishing up the biscuit, She keeps running down through town waving and saying hi to everyone as she runs by. Since the end of the war between humans and mutes, Kipo has basically become a celebrity, Everyone knows her and everyone loves her, the next part of town she has to go through is where the mega dogs usually roam so they get through there fast she moves back into the mega jaguar and runs through. While running through the dogs all get up thinking it's time to play but are instantly settled by Kipo's closest friend, Wolf. Wolf waves to Kipo, nods to her in her Jaguar form and then quickly exits the field switching back into her human form.

After about another 15 minutes of running, Kipo finally gets to the radio station. the radio station was completed after about a month's worth Of remodeling. That's about twice as long as it took to get the radio stations back up and running again. Kipo a little out of breath quickly wipes the sweat from her forehead and makes it inside, she ask the front desk where to go and they pointed her in the right direction. Kipo now stands in front of the room, she takes one last deep breath before walking inside and is met with a middle-aged African-American man who greets her with a smile. "Oh good you made it I was beginning to worry you wouldn't show up, but then again why wouldn't you this is a pretty big deal!" Kipo smiles widely and sits down a cross from him. He then goes to explain how the whole thing will work, he will simply ask her a few questions about her adventures before the end of the war and people will simply have to try and give as much detail as she can remember of the events. Kipo nods in agreement and they soon begin the interview.

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