Mid's last words.

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The sun's rays soon pierce through the surrounding storm walls, that circle the island. Song wakes up, her life as a scientist has left with many early mornings, so her biological clock is used to it. She stretches and sees her husband Lio giggling to himself. "what's to funny?" she whispers. Lio doesn't respond as he just points. Song slowly turns her head to see her daughter all snuggled put to a certain, dark hair boy with grey feathered wings. "...wow...that's a first..." She says in disbelief. Lio giggles some more. "I think our little jaguar has a crush, hehe." He says. Song is a bit skeptical about that. Kipo hasn't really shown interest in anyone since her rejection when she was 13. Seeing her all snuggled up with someone, has her curious... but also quite scared. "...Lio, you know what he is... don't you... who he looks like...?" Lio's smile fades into a frown. "...Ford..." "Right... he looks exactly like Ford... he's a harbinger" Lio looks back at them and sees how comfortable Kipo is. "He can't be, I mean look, he's so calm. Ford wanted to make them to fight mutes, but he's not fighting, he's surviving, and he protected Kipo." Song looks at him and takes a deep breath. "... do you think he knows... about what he is...?" Lio gets up and stretches. "I don't think so, but maybe we can help." He offers his hand to Song and she takes it. "After all, what better way to help someone, then let them join-" Suddenly Kipo shouted. "HMUFA!!!" Startling everyone awake.

Rook is the most shocked on the account that he was right next to Kipo. Kipo quickly regains her surrounding and calms down. "Uh... what happened?" Rook asked. "Sorry, just a really intense dream..." She answered with a awkward smile. He sighs and stands up. "Well whatever, we better get moving. Alright everyone, WAKE UP!" Everyone started to stretch and get their supplies packed. Rook stands on a rock and gets everyone's attention. "Alright listen up, i'm going to honest with you all. Most of you can't stay." They all look confused, and start asking why. "Lets be honest do most of you even want to be here?" They all immediately shut up. "Look, it's going to be dangerous for so many of us to be in a group, being in bigger numbers means more people to keep track of, not to mention it will make us a bigger target for anything that's looking for a quick snack. So I ask that most of you head back to the boat and wait there, don't worry, as long as you keep quiet, nothing will hurt you guys, there much predators in the water anyway."

Taking his words seriously most of the crew gather their supplies, some asking if it's safe from Rook. Once all the supplies is accounted for and packed hey head back to shore. Now the main group consists of Rook, Kipo, Song & Lio, Benson & Dave, Wolf, and Molly. Rook begins to make a new spear again, sharpening rocks and tying knots. Once done, he put it on his back and decided to take the lead. "Alright, now... I've never lead someone before, let alone a whole team, but I'll try my best, just please be patient and don't touch anything with asking me about it first, deal?" They agree. "Great, now follow me, we can stay at my base till we come up with a plan." He takes the and they follow close behind, along the Kipo sticks close to Rook the whole. Song is somewhat concerned for her daughter, Wolf came up to her and asked. "Hey, is it me or is Kipo acting... strange, like more than usual?" Songs nods. "Yeah, I've seen it, she's grown so attracted to him in so little time." Lio bumps wolf with his elbow. "I'm telling you, she's got a crush." He smirked

Wolf looks skeptical. "What? Kipo? No, she can't... can she?" Benson walks beside them. "Well, when you think about they do have a lot in common. I mean, they're both science experiments, both animal traits and features, they're in worlds of their own, they're like a match made in heaven." They all look at them as they walk together. Wolf isn't convinced. "I still find it hard to believe, I mean, I don't know anything about romance, but I'm sure people don't just fall that quickly." Dave bumps her. "Haven't you ever heard of "Love at first sight." It's much more common, I mean that was how I met Bella." Benson rolls his eyes. "Dave that was a mannequin head." Dave suddenly starts bursting with tears. "OH BELLA, WHY OH WHY DID YOU HAVE TO GO!?"

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