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Soon morning came and Rook was first to wake up. He looks to his side and sees Kipo still clinging to him. He sighs and does his best not to wake her up, he needs some of his space and slowly buy surely gets himself out of her grasp. After getting out of her grip she starts to groan uncomfortably without him. "Mm! My...birdy..." He sighs and looks at his cloak, an idea soon hatches. He takes off his cloak and gives it to Kipo, she quickly snatches it and smiles, thinking she's holding Rook. He smiles at her cute little face, he kisses her forehead and quietly leaves the cave. Once out, he stops at a stream and dips his talons into the water. "Haaaaa! Man, Mid told me something about girls once... what did he say again?"


Mid is cooking some caterpillars while young Rook is practicing his reading. "And... there... sh-sh-she was, t-t-the mo-mo-most be-beyay- beawful? Beatful?" Mid grins under his helmet. "Beautiful." He corrected. "Bank you." Young Rook says. "It's "thank", and you're welcome." Rook goes back to his book. "And there she was, the most beautiful... woo moon?" Mid chuckles. "Women, Kid, the word is women." Young Rook looks confused. "What is women?" Mid shakes his head. "A women is the opposite of a man, which is the older version of a boy, and the opposite of that is a girl." "Are they like use?" Mid nods as he slips a piece of food under his helmet. "Yes... and no... I'll explain when you're older." Young Rook looks confused, he closes his book and eats some of the food. "Mid, will I ever meet a girl?" Mid looks at him and thinks. "Well... I can't say for certain... but in this world, nothing is impossible in this world. Why do you ask." Young Rook gets closer. "I just want to know what do if I meet one." Mid laughs and pulls young Rook into a nugie. "Alright, when you meet a girl, don't be afraid to be yourself and don't forget to respect them. Also if you meet the right one, remember that your feelings matter too, don't let anyone walk all over you, not even your partner." Rook tilts his head. "Partner? Like us." Mid laughs. "No, not like us. You see, there are a couple of different meanings to partners. Our meaning is someone to looks out for one each other. But in a romantic sense, partners mean someone who takes care of each other for a really long time, and if you play your cards right, that will last till the day you die." Rook smiles innocently. "...What does "romantic" mean." "Again, something I'll explain when you're older, haha!" 

(End of flashback)

Rook chuckles and reminisces Mid's advice. "He never did explain it..." He shows a sad smile. "...I wish you were here Mid... You'd know what to do..." "Yap!" He turns to see Nosey rubbing against his side. "Hey! You know, Mid would have loved you. He used to tell me about this pet he used to have, he said he named them Ralph." He Picks Nosey up and smiles. "He had lost Ralph when his burrow was attacked by a mega worm... but I won't let you get hurt. Because I-" "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Suddenly he hears a scream that makes him turn pale. "KIPO!"

Kipo pov

I was cuddling with my birdy, enjoying his scent, but when I open my eyes, I see I'm not cuddling him, but his cloak. "Hey... Hmm..." I hold his cloak to my nose and inhale his scent. "Hmm~ It smells just like him..." "Ahem!" I freeze, and turn to see my mother looking at me with a "seriously" face. "Uh... hey..." My mother gets up and sits with me. "Kipo... can talk for a sec?" I awkwardly smile at her. "Uh, sure, but do you know where Rook went?" My mom gives me a stoic look. "Rook is fine, you don't have to worry." "Oh I'm not worried I just need to-" "What you need to do is sit and talk with your mother, Kipo!" I'm taken a back, she's never raised her voice at me before. "M-mom?" She takes a deep breath and calms down. "Kipo.... I... I'm worried..." "What do you mean, I'm fine." "I know!... I know you're fine, it's what your doing that worries me... Kipo have stopped to wonder that maybe you're making Rook uncomfortable?" Now I'm a little upset. "Hey, Mom, I love you, but you can't tell me how I should love my boyfriend!" 

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