New adventure (continued)

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Kipo was struggling to get out of the large bird's grip, suddenly a red light appeared on the center of its forehead and what appeared to be some sort of scanner ran over to Kipo body at least three times before going back into its head. "This...isn't... 726!!!" The large bird then throws Kipo like a baseball across the construction site, everyone runs to her Aid only for her to turn into the mega jaguar and run at the large bird, as if expecting it, it propels itself into the air and propels itself back down that very high speeds stomping Kipo into the ground. Kipo then reverts back into her human form clearly in a lot of pain. The construction workers were able to get the humming bombers out of their net. "Oh that does it, let's blow this bird Kingdom Come!!!" the humming bombers then fly toward, with their large supply of explosive nectar and prepare to Launch their attack. However before they could launch it, the bird then suddenly appears behind them and smacks them away before they could do anything, and then takes a very close look at the supply of explosive nectar, intrigued by its strange chemical compound it grabs the large crate with his large Talons and begins to take off. "726 ... is not... here... Retreat for now!" The large bird begins to flap its wings very hard, lifting the large crate of explosive nectar with it as it begins to fly away.

Kipo manages to get up and begins to take after the large bird within her Jaguar form. The humming bombers begin Pursuit as well trying to get their explosive nectar back. The large bird takes notice of its pursuers and decides to cause some Mayhem before leaving. It reaches into the large crate and pulls out a case of the explosive nectar before ascending higher and higher into the sky. It starts taking vile after vile of explosive nectar and just dropping it randomly across the city. The Timber cats are quick to grab whatever human or mute they can and take cover from the explosive nectar's large destructive capabilities. The city right now does not look in good shape. 

Craters laid the ground with explosive nectar had fallen, the site hurts Kipo very much. only adding more reason to pursue the strange bird. The bird finally descends back toward the ground, its Jets appear to be malfunctioning thus losing its momentum, the heavy crate it's carrying appears to be weighing it down giving Kipo the chance to swat it out of the air. Now on the ground Kipo uses her massive paw to pin it down, it struggles to try and get back up but no chance against how big Kipo is right now. The timber cats all gather around and point their axes to the bird. "What are you going to do now, little bird. Huh!" The cats mock the bird, but the bird apparently had a response, it opened its beak up much wider than it had before and started taking a very very deep breath. Everyone was very confused until an ear splitting Shriek erupts from its beak, forcing everyone to cover their ears and back away. So much pain toward everyone who heard it, Kipo ended up reverting back into her human form. The bird gets up and tries to fly away again, but suddenly a large orange tendril comes out of nowhere and swats the bird back to the ground. "Wow, a new friend to play with!" A child's voice suddenly yells in joy. Everyone was so busy going after the bird they paid little attention to where they were heading, they now stood at the archway to fun Gus's territory. Fun gus starts grabbing on to the bird and starts throwing it around and around like a child throwing a toy. The bird immediately responded with another loud Shriek, Fun gus let go and the bird was about to fly away again. Fun Gus Retreats back into his territory now very much in pain and very upset.

For the past 5 years a certain someone has been spending their time being trapped with fungus, constantly playing, crying, telling stories, and forcing her to play along to which she can't say no to. Dr Emilia, still in the dress she wore when she first got trapped down there now immediately births out of the orange moss and makes a break for it whilst fungus is distracted. She takes cover behind a car and takes a few minutes to take a deep breath, her hair a long Tangled mess from 5 years of not being able to keep it tidy, she looks tired, dirty and very hungry. (Don't ask what she ate) She looks over the car and sees Kipo, immediately being filled with rage she goes to try and get her by surprise but then she sees the large bird being dog piled by Timber cats. (That's a little ironic now that I thing about it). Her eyes widened in surprise at the sight of a large creature, But then a very evil smirk came over her face she then stands up straight and just walks out and stands in the middle of the street while everything is going on. She smiles and whistles a little tune, getting everyone's attention. "Emilia!" Kipo says in surprise. 

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