The ShroomShire

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The mega Mantis sheds its dead corpse and comes back as a infant, it screeched and resumed its advance on the group. "It... it molted... like Dave..." Benson said in aw, of this sudden discovery. "Everyone run!" Rook yells, as he carries Kipo as he ran, the rest of the group following after him. "Wait! What about Dave?!" Benson yells out. "I'm sorry for you loss!" Rook shouts back. "He's not dead, Dave is immortal." Kipo told him. "What does immortal mean?" Rook asked. "Basically he can't die, like at all, but he has this one weakness that he has yet to tell us and- OW!" Wolf bonked her. "Less talking more running!" 

The group followed Rook, the mega mantis hot on their tail. Molly looks behind them to see it catching up. "Its gaining on us!" Rook tries to think of a plan then looks to his side. "There! Into the ravine!" He took a sharp left and skids down into the ravine, everyone else follows, Molly grabs Song and Lio and tuck and rolls down the into the Ravine, Wolf quickly skid down after Rook, and Benson trips and falls down. After landing in the bottom of the ravine, they quickly get back to their feet as the mantis jumps in after them. "Why is it still chasing us! Mantis are ambush predators!?" Song yells 

Rook leads them to the right. "It's hungry, not many things can live in the valley, it's just really hungry! There it is!" A large cluster of holes are seen in the side of the ravine. "Quick everyone in!" "Which one!?" "Just pick one!" Everyone jumps into a hole, the holes are just big enough for them, but too small for the mantis, as it crashed into the wall. The mantis screeches in anger and tries to claw it's way in to get to them, everyone steps back and as they avoid getting impaled by it's large claw. "What do we do!?" Benson yells.

As if God answered him, the ground began to shake as a rock slide began to fall, the mantis backs away to avoid the rocks, but the rocks block the holes and trapped everyone inside. Once the dust cleared, Song was the first to freak out. "Oh no... OH NO! WE'RE TRAPPED! IS KIPO OK!?" Molly tries to calm her down. "Song just calm down-" She flinched as Song shouts. "DON'T TELL ME CALM DOWN!!!" "Mom! I'm OK!" Kipo calls out. "Kipo? KIPO! WHERE ARE YOU!?" "SOMEWHERE! I DON'T KNOW!" Benson is heard somewhere. "MAN IT'S DARK IN HERE." Then wolf. "ROOK WHAT IS THIS PLACE!?" Rook's echo is heard. "WELCOME TO THE ANT LABYRINTH! A GIANT COLLECT OF TUNNELS THAT RUN UNDER THE ISLAND, DON'T WORRY ABOUT GETTING LOST, ME AND MID MARKED THE TUNNELS. FOLLOW THE ARROWS! WE SHOULD MEET IN THE SAME SPOT." Everything gets quiet after that, the small teams each walk down their tunnels. Molly, song and Lio are teamed up, Benson and wolf are alone, and Kipo is with Rook. 

The groups all separately advance into their caves.

Wolf is mainly silent, mainly because she doesn't want to talk.

Benson is lost in thought about Dave still being in mantis' stomach. "Don't worry Dave, I'll get you back... As soon as I get out of here..." He hears the mantis crawling around above him, he looks mad.

Molly had her axes out, ready to defend. "Hey Rook!" She called out. "Where are all the ants!?" Rook calls back through the echo. "Don't worry! The ants have been dead for a while, the mantis probably ate them all!" Benson is heard somewhere. "Can we not bring up the mantis anymore!? We just escaped from that thing!" Wolf is heard somewhere. "Fraidy cat!" "HEY!" Everyone laughs at the little argument.

Kipo and Rook stay close as to not get separated from each other. "What's a fraidy cat?" Rook asks. Kipo giggles. "It is basically someone who gets scared a lot." Rook nods as he now understands. "There's a lot of things I have yet to learn, makes me wish I could." Rook says. Kipo looked at him with a little excitement. "Don't worry, once all this is over we can get you a proper education and you'll be a genius in no time, trust me, my parents are great teachers." Rook looks back at her, a look of confusion on his face. "I thought you were leaving after you found Emily?"

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