Xyroz And Others On Each Other #1

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Yeah another list. But this time it's about Xyroz and the others talking about each other. I won't put too much further into details, but I think you get the whole point on what it looks like. Though not adding all on one chapter. Too much lol.


What Xyroz's on about others?

Xyroz on Hank:

Xyroz - "Him? I've always seen him as a buddy to buddy for the both of us. Although when it comes to something else that I really don't often talk about.... here's a tip...."



"Giant blenders and often times chainsaws are ones that would potentially precede unfortunate events by those threatened by him.... Yeah...."

Xyroz on Sanford and Deimos:

Xyroz - "I've always seen the two of them as a duo of some sort when it comes to them handling in their own missions. I mean look, they've been quite the sidekicks of Hank for like how long? Like years now? But considering that these two have been into some nonsense between themselves, well mostly Deimos really though-"

A not so sober Deimos starts falling down on the ground as he sobs while Sanford looked at him, facepalming.

Deimos - "Oi why me?! You know I've been not coping a lot with the days since three years! THREE YEARS FROM YOU BEING TOO MUCH OF A GENIUS AND A MADMAN AAAAGGGGHHHH!"

Deimos was then dragged by Sanford as he continues to sob, leaving Xyroz alone just give himself a shrug.

Xyroz - "Okay then.... But anyways. Deimos on the other hand, he does give me some very 'interesting' magazines. Though I think there's a point on why you should really process first what I am talking about. But apparently he does barge in to my livestreams and probably show me 'those'. Though Sanford is a cool guy on the other hand. Though I have a score to settle with him in a game of darts. Lost a bet, which I would try make a revenge bet after making a dare to go shirtless while wearing a jacket in public. Yikes."

Xyroz on Auditor:

Xyroz - "The black candle has been always quite an interesting fellow that I've often talk to about important missions, random discussions, or basically any news that can be input from him. Though he doesn't really see himself in the frontlines, he's always not hesitant to take some visits in other places either through transportation or via teleportation."

Xyroz on Caladrius (Juggernaut_Infected OC)

Xyroz - "Definitely our one of the best medics coming from another universe. Though when it comes to the dangers in missions, he's your man for taking support to heal with high risk, yet rewarding. Curious on him having a gun that can actually heal people and most of the time bring them back from the dead... Maybe I should ask him someday about it?"

Xyroz on Scout (TF2)

Xyroz - "What can I say more about Jeremy? Brother is faster like a cheetah. At this point he should have already won multiple running and sprint trophies while being set on top of the shelves. Oh and needless to say more? If you wanna go against him for a run.... yeah good luck with that."


What other's on about Xyroz?

Hank, Sanford, and Deimos on Xyroz:

Hank - "Cool dude literally and figuratively. Wielding a Chainsword really makes him menacingly a threat that puts his enemies in greater defense. Knowing that the next time they won't be getting to see that soon. Though I would technically say we can both be buddies.... the both of us are different. Mentally and Physically, it's quite a difference. But the chain weapons? Not really. Xyroz as a whole though, he can be whatever he wants, even if his condition does treat him very harshly like shit during those times."

Deimos - "Ah yes. My boy Xyroz. A madman or a genius. WHILE ME I'VE BEEN JUST DOING THE SAME STUFF! But always giving him some random shit I can find. Even those magazine that I manage to acquire. Pretty sure that'll give him enough girls. As well as loitering his room just to make sure he gets more so than he really gets with those girls to make hi-"

Deimos gets smacked on the head hard by Sanford, knocking him out unconscious. And possibly creating a crater...

Sanford - "Really Deimos? Sorry about that. He's really just acting just too goofy overall. But to put some words for my homie Xyroz. A badass of an Outlander I gotta say. Mans has the physical tone of 'run or you'll die' vibe. You cannot mess with a dude who has been empowered with all the stuff that he has!"

Auditor on Xyroz:

Auditor - "It's been a great honor working with a legendary Blackout that existed. I've always knew when he first founded as, I can understand that his potential is rising. Yet the limits are not there on what he could take... Let us not jump through more conclusions, and focus a goal with him..."

Caladrius on Xyroz:

"Although there is nothing much I could say about him, I can always be a reliable source than being a fodder cannon. He knows strategies, he knows plans. He knows such moves that can define as a check piece for all of us. Let there be no mistakes. Let a new revolutionizing era begin.."

Scout (TF2) on Xyroz:

"Fella has been a best friend to me! If I wanted to take a call for some baseball, he doesn't mind. Man what a time where constantly reached over a thousand home runs without ever messing up for the whole entire day. At this point I should make a baseball team and win the leagues!"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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