The Date

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Olivia nervously paced around her apartment, over analyzing everything that could go wrong on this date. 'What if he never showed up? What if he was an asshole? What if-' , a loud knock broke her train of thought, realizing it could be him she quickly checked herself in the mirror, before opening the door.

Matty stood infront of the girl, wearing a simple suit, the top buttons were undone revealing his chest tattoo, and his curls were especially unruly, just how he liked them. She stood their frozen in her door way just taking in the sight of him, "Darling you're going to catch flies with your mouth open" he commented, as he placed his pointer finger under her chin and slightly pushed it up, closing her mouth.

Liv blushed, "I-i didn't even realize it was open in the first place" she said, letting out a nervous laugh. Matty smiled and offered his hand out for her to take, she gently took his hand in hers, "You look absolutely gorgeous tonight livy" matty whispered in her ear, as the two made their way to his car.

Once at the restaurant, the two sat down in a secluded corner, matty wanted to make sure the date was perfect and didn't want anyone to distract him from the beauty infront of him. "This restaurant is really fancy" liv joked as she looked around at the sophisticated decorations. "Yeah, it's one of my favorites! Funny enough i recommended it to adam and this is where he took carly on their first date" matty commented, as he admired the way the candle light danced on her face.

"Really? Thats so cool!" liv commented, as she turned back to him, "So livy as this is our first date, tell me more about yourself" he asked, before taking a sip of his wine. "Well I'm 21, i'm originally from Bournemouth but moved to london for university. When I was 17 my friends and I decided to start a band" she said, a proud smile adorning her face as she talked about her band.

"Well congratulations love, I think i've heard some of your songs before, you're the lead singer right? A pretty girl and pretty voice, you really are the total package" matty flirted, liv blushed and said "thank you matty" in response.

"How about you matty, tell me more about yourself" olivia asked, "Well I'm 24, from manchester, I too am the lead singer in a band, as you may know and I have a fascination with art and the way the human mind works" he responded.

"You're band is absolutely killer by the way, you know I find it funny that in the year my sisters been dating adam i've never been to a gig or met you before" she said, matty leaned forward slightly "well we'll have to change that then" he said, a smirk adorning his face as he saw her cheeks flush a shade of pink. The two continued to talk about their lives, just getting to know eachother more and more.

After dinner was over, matty suggested the two head to the park to watch the stars. "You know theres something so fascinating about the stars, to us on earth they look the same but in reality they're all different" olivia said, breaking the comfortable silence between them.

"Just like people in a way, you know livy you're different from the girls i've met before" matty responded, liv looked over at him with a confused expression. "What do you mean by that healy?" she questioned, "well I feel i can have an actual conversation with you, i mean all the girls ive met and been on dates with just want to have sex with me, never have an actual intellectual conversation" he responded.

"Who said I didn't just agree to go out with you so i could fuck you" she teased, matty laughed " who said i didn't either" he teased back, "Well played healy" liv said as she giggled softly.

Matty moved closer to the girl, his hand gently cupping her cheek as he studied the different freckles that adorning the girls face "You're so beautiful livy" he whispered, his lips coming dangerously close to hers. Livs heart raced out of her chest at the closeness, she looked between his eyes and lips, wanting nothing more than to close the space between them.

As if he was reading her mind, matty slowly leaned forward and closed the gap between them, the kiss was soft and sweet, but still lit a fire inside of them.

They reluctantly pulled away from eachother, liv quickly looking down at her hands to hide the fact her face was bright red, matty placed his finger under her chin once more, so their eyes could met again. "Liv would you want to come to a gig for my band tomorrow?" he offered, everything in him hoped she would say yes, "Yeah, i'd love too" she responded, still not convinced any of this was real.

"And one last question, would you wanna go out again?" matty asked, liv nodded her head eagerly "I'd love to matty" she smiled. "Amazing" he responded back, "its getting late, let me drive you back to your place" he said, silently kicking himself for bringing it up.

Olivia pouted, "you're right, but maybe we could keep the party going at my place? I have a bottle of red wine and a few pre-rolls that have our names on them" she suggested, not wanting the date to end. Matty smiled widely "I'd love too" he said as he stood up from the bench, he turned to face her and once more extended his hand out for her to take, which she did. The two then made their way back to the car and to her apartment, excited to find out what the rest of the night had in store for them

A/N : honestly idk where this book is going yet but hope you enjoyed the chapter!
Updated A/N : decided for plot reasons that this book will now be set in 2013! please ignore the newer photo of matty in the previous chapter hahah hope you enjoy!

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