'Til Tomorrow

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"Liv it's almost time to head out" A voice said, snapping the girl out of her thoughts. Ever since liv had gotten to the studio she had an idea for a song in her head and immediately isolated herself in a booth to write down all the lyrics that were swirling around in her head.

"Oh ok, but before we go can I run these lyrics by you?" she asked Drew , who was her band member/best friend. "Yeah of course" he said as he took a seat next to her, "Ok here is what I have so far" liv said, then began to recite the lyrics

'Hey, I just wanted to say that I think I might like you
And wanted to see if you maybe like me too
'Cause I don't know if I'll live 'till tomorrow
I don't know if I'll live 'til tomorrow
I don't know if I'll live 'til tomorrow, oh-oh-oh'

Drew clapped as soon as Liv finished singing, "Sounds like our little Livy has a crush on someone, because I've never heard you write a love song before" Drew laughed.

Liv blushed at his comment "Who said I had a crush on someone, maybe I was just in the mood to write a love song Thomsen" she responded back. "Oh please Olivia we've been friends since grade school. I know you, and I also know you went on a date with a certain front man, is he your muse for this song?" Drew asked.

Liv sighed knowing she couldn't hide the truth from him "Fine it may be about him, but I also wanted to create a sappy love song too" she confessed. "I knew it! Now come on Livy you're going to be late to the lover boys gig if you don't hurry up" Drew said, standing up and dragging the girl out of the booth and out of the studio.

"Where did Gen and Brooke go?" Liv asked as the two walked to her car, "They left about 10 minutes ago" he responded back, to which Olivia just nodded in response. "Well have fun tonight, I gotta head over to Casey's place, I promised her a movie night" he said, before engulfing his best friend into a hug, "ooo have fun! And tell her I say hi!" liv responded, before getting in her car.


Once Olivia arrived at the venue, she quickly texted Matty letting him know she was here. He quickly sent a response back, telling her he would be right out. It wasn't long before the back door opened up and a familiar head of curls appeared, "Hey Livy" Matty said as he quickly pulled the girl inside. "Hey matty" she responded back, "You look nice! I love the hair and the eyeliner, it suits you" Liv said as she pushed a few of his stray curls from his forehead.

"Thank you darling, you look beautiful as well" he said back as he eyed her up and down. Liv blushed "Aw thank you, but I have a new outfit I promise, I didn't have time to change because I just came from the studio. Is there a bathroom I could do that in?" she asked, as she gently held up a small tote bag full of clothes. "Yeah of course" he said, gently taking her hand and leading her to a small dressing room, "this is mine but I'll wait out here while you get dressed ok?' Matty said as he opened the door for her, right as liv was about to walk in he stopped her "For the record you don't have to change, you could wear anything and I'd still think you're the most beautiful girl in the world" he said, then placed a soft kiss on her now pink cheek.

Liv smiled widely, the butterflies in her stomach swirled as he closed the door behind her, never before had a man had this kind of effect on her.

Liv quickly changed out of her comfy clothes and into her outfit for the show, which she had spent a solid 30 minutes rifling through her closet trying to find the perfect thing to wear for her first 1975 gig. After touching up her makeup, she quickly made her way to the door and opened it, revealing Matty, who was looking down at something on his phone.

"All ready" she whispered, which caused the front man to look up from his phone, his eyes widening as he took in her appearance, "Wow, you look wow" he stuttered, unable to find the words to describe the girl standing infront of him. "Hopefully that's a good wow" she chuckled, Matty nodded his head and immediately pulled her into him by her hips. "Baby how am I supposed to focus tonight when you're wearing that? I'll just be thinking about taking it off you" he whispered in her ear, before leaving gentle kisses down her neck.

Liv quietly moaned as matty began to suck on the sweet spot on her neck, he chuckled at her reaction "We don't go on for another 30 minutes baby, that's more than enough time" he whispered as he continued the assault on her neck. As much as liv wanted to take him up on his offer, she knew they couldn't. Gently and reluctantly she pushed him off of her neck, "As much as I would love to, I think we better get back to the rest before they come looking for us' ' she giggled, before leaning in and placing a soft kiss on mattys lips.

Matty groaned, "Fine, but after the show?" he begged, "After the show baby, you can do whatever you want to me" she responded back, a smirk painted matty's face at her response. Quickly, he took her hand and led her to the green room to see the rest of the band, and her sister.

"Look who decided to finally join us" George said, as the two walked into the room. "Shut up" Olivia fired back, as she took a seat next to him and her sister. "You have something on your neck Livy" he whispered in her ear, her eyes went wide as she smacked her hand to her neck, trying to cover whatever George saw. The drummer laughed, "I'm messing with you, but you just confirmed my suspicions holt" he joked, Liv rolled her eyes and playfully slapped his arm, "Dickhead" she whispered back, before giggling slightly.

"What are you two about?" Carly asked, "nothing! George was just telling me another one of his lame jokes" Liv responded, "Rude! All my jokes are very good" he fired back, to which the two sisters just chuckled in response.

After about 30 minutes of hanging out and talking, it was finally time for the band to perform. Liv quickly walked up to Matty before he went onstage "Good luck Matty" she said, before placing a quick kiss on his cheek, "Thank you love" he responded back, before running onstage. Liv watched in awe as the boys did what they do best, they definitely knew how to put on a show.

About Mid-way through their song Robbers, Matty made his way over to where liv was standing and reached out his hand for her to take. "Will you come on stage with me for this part?" he asked, Liv looked over to her sister, who now had her phone out ready to record what was about to happen, then back at Matty. "Sure?" she responded, before putting her hand in his and letting him guide her onstage.

The crowd went crazy as she walked out onstage with him, Liv just waved at them, still confused on why he brought her onstage in the first place. But when he pulled her closer and resumed singing, all her worries and confusion went away.

'' You'll find out everythings gone wrong" he sang, and before she knew it he pulled her in close and kissed her, liv was surprised at first, but then brought her hands up to his face, trying to deepen the kiss. Unfortunately after a few more seconds, matty pulled away to continue singing, but never once did his gaze leave liv, the two were in their own world, just swaying to the beat of the song. Before either of them knew it, the song finished and they were forced to pull away from their own world and back into reality. "Ladies and Gentleman, please give a round of applause for the incredibly talented Olivia Holt!" he said into the mic, the crowd cheered as Olivia smiled and waved back at them as she slowly made her way off stage and back next to her sister.

"Did you know that was gonna happen?" she asked Carly, "He told us before you arrived, i thought it would be a fun surprise" the older Holt sibling responded back. "It definitely was," Liv said back, the smile never leaving her face as she replayed the moment over and over again in her head.

After the gig ended, matty ran offstage and over to liv, quickly picking her up and spinning her around. Liv giggled as she wrapped her arms around his neck, "You did amazing tonight matty" she whispered, as he put her back on the ground. "Thank you baby" he smiled, "Now let's get you cleaned up, you're all sweaty" she joked as she pushed his sweaty body off of hers. "Care to join me in a shower back at my place?" he asked quietly, so the others wouldn't hear. "I'd love to" she replied back as he grabbed her hand and rushed to get their things. After saying a very rushed goodbye to everyone, the two quickly hurried out the venue and into livs car, quickly speeding off to Mattys apartment.

A/N : I hope this made sense, sorry if it jumped around a bit :)

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